Implementation Guidance > Connectivity


JWT Business Data

The following table summarizes the mandatory information that needs to be supplied by the consumer to authorize the request.

Table: JWT Query Data

Data Element Definition Type Optionality Length Example
jti Unique Token ID- will be generated by application ST Mandatory 1..40
org The name of original organization the application is associated with ST Optional 1..70 University Health Network
app The name of application used for the access ST Mandatory 1..50 Medly
appVersion The version of the application ST Mandatory 1..10 1.03
sub The login ID of the user initiating the login request ST Mandatory 1..50
idp Identify provider- work with eHealth Ontario to assign IDP ST Mandatory 1..255
prn Name of the user (principal , as defined in ST Mandatory 1..75 John Smith
usertype Type of the user, P (patient) or D (delegate). ST Mandatory 1..1 P
aud Identifier of the user. Should represent the same value as the one present in the FHIR query string ST Mandatory 1..90
exp Token expiration time (Its value is a JSON number representing the number of seconds from 1970-01-01T0:0:0Z as measured in UTC until the date/time.) NM Mandatory 1..20
iat Issued time (Its value is a JSON number representing the number of seconds from 1970-01-01T0:0:0Z as measured in UTC until the date/time.) NM Mandatory 1..20 1444143566

JWT Header

Data Element Definition Type Optionality
alg Algorithm used. As defined in This has to be set to "RS256" ST Mandatory
kid Key ID used to secure the token, as defined in ST Optional
x5t Certificate thumbprint used to sign the token, as defined in ST Mandatory
typ Type of the token. As defined in: always set to “JWT” ST Mandatory