Use Cases

Practitioner must have valid oAuth 2.0 ONE ID federated credentials to log into Application (referred to as app from hereon, such as an EMR)

(Please click here to see the definition of acronyms used)

S.No User Stories Scenarios FHIRcast Event
1.0 As a Practitioner, I login into my app 1. App opened using web browser
2. Practitioner enters their login credentials
3. Practitioner login context created for:
      a. Practitioner Organization/UAO
      b. Working location of Practitioner (optional)
      c. Name, license, etc. of practitioner
      d. Practitioner’s Language setting in app
1.1 As a Practitioner, I conduct a search for a patient record in my app and open/select a patient record 1. Enter patient information to conduct search – HCN, first, last names, DOB
2. Patient record is opened within app
3. Patient context is created for:
      a. Patient Identifier such as HCN
      b. Patient first and last names
      c. Patient DOB
      d. Patient Gender
      e. Patient address [optional]
1.2 As a Practitioner, working in my app, I close the current patient record 1. Patient record closed
2. Current patient context is closed
1.3 As a Practitioner, within my app, I change the organization for which I work under 1. Practitioner login context updated for:
      a. Practitioner’s organization/UAO
      b. Location of Practitioner (optional)
1.4 As a Practitioner, I logout of my app and my ONEID session UserLogout
1.5 As a Practitioner, I want to change the language in my app 1. Practitioner is active in their app
2. Practitioner makes a change to their language settings in app
3. Language setting context
       a. Is updated to reflect the new selection
1.6 As a Practitioner in my app, I need to override consent 1. Practitioner reviewing a patient profile
2. Practitioner wants to see the medications data on patient
3. Practitioner opens tab for medication on app
4. App receives information from drug repository for named patient
5. Practitioner receives indicator of a consent block on patient file
6. Practitioner proceeds to override the consent on patient file.
1.7 As a Practitioner, I receive error message that Context management server is not working or non operational 1. Practitioner will manually enter their own credentials (User name, UAO information) in every application opened or initiated
2. Practitioner also manually enters patient identifiers in every app as desired.
[Future Release]

The following diagram illustrates the interactions between various system components involving the use of context management service in the end-to-end flow of EMR integration with provincial consent override single page application.
