Business Rules > CorHealth Data Elements to HL7v2 Mapping

CorHealth Data Elements to HL7v2 Mapping

Field ID Field Name Section HL7v2 Field
1 Health Card Number 1. Patient Demographics PID.3.1
2 Version Code 1. Patient Demographics PID.3.2
4 Last Name 1. Patient Demographics PID.5.1
5 First Name 1. Patient Demographics PID.5.2
6 Middle Name 1. Patient Demographics PID.5.3
7 Sex 1. Patient Demographics PID.8
8 Date of Birth 1. Patient Demographics PID.7
Deceased 1. Patient Demographics PID.30 (boolean) and PID.29 (datetime)
9 Address Type 1. Patient Demographics PID.11.7
10 Address - Line 1 1. Patient Demographics PID.11.1
11 Address - Line 2 1. Patient Demographics PID.11.1
12 City 1. Patient Demographics PID.11.3
13 Country 1. Patient Demographics PID.11.6
14 Province/State 1. Patient Demographics PID.11.4
15 Postal Code/Zip Code 1. Patient Demographics PID.11.5
16 Phone Number Type 1. Patient Demographics PID.13.2, PID.14.2
17 Phone Number 1. Patient Demographics PID.13.1, PID.14.1
18 Medical Record Number 1. Patient Demographics PID.3.1
20 Entry Category 2. Service Information
21 Service Area 2. Service Information
22 Service Detail 1 2. Service Information
23 Service Detail 2 2. Service Information OBR.4
154 Service Location 2. Service Information ORC.21 (1st repeat)
999 Encounter ID 2. Service Information ORC.2
26 Entry ID 3. Entry Information ORC.3
27 Entry Status 3. Entry Information ORC.5
28 Recommended Maximum Wait Time (days) 3. Entry Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=28
29 Wait Time 1 3. Entry Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=29
30 Wait Time 2 3. Entry Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=30
31 Priority Level 3. Entry Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=31
32 Urgency Rating Score 3. Entry Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=32
33 Referral Date 4. Referral Information ORC.9
38 Primary Reason for Referral 4. Referral Information OBR.31.1 where OBR.31.3=38
39 Primary Reason for Referral Type 4. Referral Information OBR.31.1 where OBR.31.3=39
40 Secondary Reason for Referral 4. Referral Information OBR.31.1 where OBR.31.3=40
41 Secondary Reason for Referral Type 4. Referral Information OBR.31.1 where OBR.31.3=41
153 Race 4. Referral Information PID.10
155 Referring Physician 4. Referral Information ORC.12
160 Wait Location 4. Referral Information ORC.21 (2nd repeat)
42 Clinical Status Change Date 5. Diagnostic Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=42
43 History of Myocardial Infarction 5. Diagnostic Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=43
44 Canadian Cardiovascular Society Classification 5. Diagnostic Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=44
45 Acute Coronary Syndrome Classification 5. Diagnostic Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=45
46 Cardiogenic Shock 5. Diagnostic Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=46
47 New York Heart Association Functional Classification 5. Diagnostic Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=47
48 Rest Electrocardiogram Ischemic Changes 5. Diagnostic Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=48
49 Exercise Electrocardiogram Risk 5. Diagnostic Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=49
50 Functional Imaging Risk 5. Diagnostic Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=50
51 Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction 5. Diagnostic Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=51
52 Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction Grade 5. Diagnostic Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=52
53 Serum Creatinine 5. Diagnostic Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=53
55 Dialysis 5. Diagnostic Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=55
56 Diabetes 5. Diagnostic Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=56
57 History of Tobacco Use 5. Diagnostic Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=57
58 Cerebral Vascular Disease 5. Diagnostic Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=58
59 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 5. Diagnostic Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=59
60 History of Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery 5. Diagnostic Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=60
61 Endocarditis 5. Diagnostic Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=61
62 History of Congestive Heart Failure 5. Diagnostic Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=62
63 Height 5. Diagnostic Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=63
65 Weight 5. Diagnostic Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=65
67 Pre-Procedural Mitral Regurgitation 5. Diagnostic Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=67
68 Mitral Regurgitation Type 5. Diagnostic Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=68
69 Mitral Valve Orifice Area 5. Diagnostic Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=69
70 Pulmonary Artery Systolic Pressure 5. Diagnostic Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=70
71 Left Main Lesion without Bypass Graft 5. Diagnostic Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=71
72 Three Vessel Disease with Proximal Left Anterior Descending Artery 5. Diagnostic Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=72
73 Vein Graft Lesion 5. Diagnostic Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=73
74 Survival Dependent Vessel 5. Diagnostic Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=74
75 Native Stenosis of the Left Main Artery 5. Diagnostic Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=75
76 Native Stenosis of the Proximal Left Anterior Descending Artery 5. Diagnostic Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=76
77 Native Stenosis of the Mid/Distal Left Anterior Descending Artery 5. Diagnostic Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=77
78 Native Stenosis of the Circumflex Artery 5. Diagnostic Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=78
79 Native Stenosis of the Right Coronary Artery 5. Diagnostic Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=79
80 Stenosis of the Left Anterior Descending Artery Graft 5. Diagnostic Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=80
81 Stenosis of the Circumflex Artery Graft 5. Diagnostic Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=81
82 Stenosis of the Right Coronary Artery Graft 5. Diagnostic Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=82
83 Implant Status 5. Diagnostic Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=83
84 Device Indication 5. Diagnostic Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=84
85 Patient Presentation 5. Diagnostic Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=85
88 Fibrinolysis Administered 5. Diagnostic Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=88
89 First Contact with Paramedics Date 5. Diagnostic Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=89
90 First Contact with Paramedics Time 5. Diagnostic Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=90
91 Ambulance Electrocardiogram Date 5. Diagnostic Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=91
92 Ambulance Electrocardiogram Time 5. Diagnostic Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=92
93 Registration Date 5. Diagnostic Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=93
94 Registration Time 5. Diagnostic Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=94
95 First Hospital Electrocardiogram Date 5. Diagnostic Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=95
96 First Hospital Electrocardiogram Time 5. Diagnostic Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=96
97 Qualifying Electrocardiogram Date 5. Diagnostic Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=97
98 Qualifying Electrocardiogram Time 5. Diagnostic Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=98
99 Fibrinolysis Given Date 5. Diagnostic Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=99
100 Fibrinolysis Given Time 5. Diagnostic Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=100
101 First Balloon Inflation/Device Date 5. Diagnostic Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=101
102 First Balloon Inflation/Device Time 5. Diagnostic Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=102
159 Non-Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Capable Hospital 5. Diagnostic Information OBX.23 where OBX.3.1=159
103 Acceptance Date 6. Acceptance Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=103
106 Heart Team Involved in Treatment Decision 6. Acceptance Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=106
107 Funding Source 6. Acceptance Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=107
108 Dates Affecting Readiness to Treat From Date 6. Acceptance Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=108
109 Dates Affecting Readiness to Treat To Date 6. Acceptance Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=109
110 Booking Date 6. Acceptance Information OBR.36
111 Cancellation Reason 6. Acceptance Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=111
152 Delay Reason 6. Acceptance Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=152
156 Responsible Health Care Professional 6. Acceptance Information ORC.19 (1st repeat)
112 Removal Date 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=112
113 Removal Reason 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=113
114 Procedure 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information OBR.44
115 Procedure Status 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information OBR.25 ("F" or "X")
116 Access Site 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=116
117 Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=117
118 Presence of Coronary Stenosis 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=118
119 Stenosis of the Left Main Artery 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=119
120 Stenosis of the Proximal Left Anterior Descending Artery 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=120
121 Stenosis of the Mid/Distal Left Anterior Descending Artery 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=121
122 Stenosis of the Circumflex Artery 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=122
123 Stenosis of the Right Coronary Artery 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=123
124 Stenosis of the Left Anterior Descending Artery Graft 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=124
125 Stenosis of the Circumflex Artery Graft 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=125
126 Stenosis of the Right Coronary Artery Graft 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=126
127 Lesion Location 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=127
128 Lesion Type 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=128
129 Device Type 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=129
130 Stent Size 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=130
131 Stent Length 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=131
134 Extracorporeal Cardiopulmonary Bypass 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=134
135 Valve Surgery Type 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=135
136 Atrial Fibrillation Ablation Type 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=136
137 Atrial Fibrillation Ablation Instance 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=137
138 Clinically Relevant Pericardial Effusion 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=138
139 Device Embolization 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=139
140 Major Bleeding 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=140
141 Number of Valve Clips 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=141
142 Post-Operative Mitral Regurgitation 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=142
143 Post-Operative Mitral Valve Gradient 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=143
144 Persistent Inter-Atrial Shunt Post-Procedure 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=144
145 Technical Success 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=145
146 Vascular Complication 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=146
157 Treating Health Care Professional 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information ORC.19 (2nd repeat)
158 Second Treating Health Care Professional 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information ORC.19 (3rd repeat)
177 Chronic Total Occlusion Result 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information OBX.5 where OBX.3.1=177