Business Rules > CorHealth Data Elements to FHIR Mapping
CorHealth Data Elements to FHIR Mapping
Field ID | Field Name | Section | FHIR Resource | FHIR Element | Additional Details |
1 | Health Card Number | 1. Patient Demographics | Patient | identifier.value | identifier.system = URI of an assigner, e.g. ''. identifier.type="JHN". Needs URI mapping. Use and |
2 | Version Code | 1. Patient Demographics | Patient | extension.valueString | extension.url=''. See |
4 | Last Name | 1. Patient Demographics | Patient | | |
5 | First Name | 1. Patient Demographics | Patient | name.given[0] | |
6 | Middle Name | 1. Patient Demographics | Patient | name.given[1] | |
7 | Sex | 1. Patient Demographics | Patient | gender | Code mapping: 'M' - 'male'; 'F' - 'female'; 'U' - 'unknown' |
8 | Date of Birth | 1. Patient Demographics | Patient | birthDate | |
Deceased | 1. Patient Demographics | Patient | deceased | deceasedBoolean or deceasedDateTime | |
9 | Address Type | 1. Patient Demographics | Patient | address.use + address.type | Code mapping: 'H' - use='home', type='physical'; 'M' - use='home', type='postal'; 'C' - use='temp', type='physical' |
10 | Address - Line 1 | 1. Patient Demographics | Patient | address.line[0] | |
11 | Address - Line 2 | 1. Patient Demographics | Patient | address.line[1] | |
12 | City | 1. Patient Demographics | Patient | | |
13 | Country | 1. Patient Demographics | Patient | | |
14 | Province/State | 1. Patient Demographics | Patient | address.state | |
15 | Postal Code/Zip Code | 1. Patient Demographics | Patient | address.postalCode | |
16 | Phone Number Type | 1. Patient Demographics | Patient | telecom.use | Code mapping: 'PRN' - 'home'; 'WPN' - 'work'; 'ORN' - 'mobile' |
17 | Phone Number | 1. Patient Demographics | Patient | telecom.value | telecom.system="phone" |
18 | Medical Record Number | 1. Patient Demographics | Patient | identifier.value | For identifier.system: use URIs defined by the Provincial Client Registry. identifier.type="MR" |
20 | Entry Category | 2. Service Information | Addressed by FieldID 23 | ||
21 | Service Area | 2. Service Information | Addressed by FieldID 23 | ||
22 | Service Detail 1 | 2. Service Information | Addressed by FieldID 23 | ||
23 | Service Detail 2 | 2. Service Information | ServiceRequest | code.coding.code | bound to ValueSet CorHealth23ServiceDetail2VS |
154 | Service Location | 2. Service Information | Organization | name + identifier | ServiceRequest.performer -> Organization |
999 | Encounter ID | 2. Service Information | ServiceRequest | encounter.identifier | This would be needed for matching hospital encounter to Entry ID |
26 | Entry ID | 3. Entry Information | ServiceRequest | identifier | |
27 | Entry Status | 3. Entry Information | ServiceRequest | status | Code mapping: 'O' - 'active'; 'C' - "completed' |
28 | Recommended Maximum Wait Time (days) | 3. Entry Information | Observation | valueInteger | ServiceRequest.supportingInfo -> Observation.code = 28 |
29 | Wait Time 1 | 3. Entry Information | Observation | valueInteger | ServiceRequest.supportingInfo -> Observation.code = 29 |
30 | Wait Time 2 | 3. Entry Information | Observation | valueInteger | ServiceRequest.supportingInfo -> Observation.code = 30 |
31 | Priority Level | 3. Entry Information | Observation | valueCodeableConcept | ServiceRequest.supportingInfo -> Observation.code = 31, bound to ValueSet 31 |
32 | Urgency Rating Score | 3. Entry Information | Observation | valueQuantity | ServiceRequest.supportingInfo -> Observation.code = 32 |
33 | Referral Date | 4. Referral Information | ServiceRequest | authoredOn | |
38 | Primary Reason for Referral | 4. Referral Information | ServiceRequest | reasonCode[0].coding.code | bound to ValueSet CorHealth38ReasonForReferralVS |
39 | Primary Reason for Referral Type | 4. Referral Information | ServiceRequest | reasonCode[1].coding.code | bound to ValueSet CorHealth39ReasonForReferralTypeVS |
40 | Secondary Reason for Referral | 4. Referral Information | Observation | valueCodeableConcept | ServiceRequest.supportingInfo -> Observation.code = 40 bound to ValueSet CorHealth40ReasonForReferralVS |
41 | Secondary Reason for Referral Type | 4. Referral Information | Observation | valueCodeableConcept | ServiceRequest.supportingInfo -> Observation.code = 41 bound to ValueSet CorHealth41ReasonForReferralTypeVS |
153 | Race | 4. Referral Information | Observation | valueCodeableConcept | Observation.code = 153, bound to ValueSet CorHealth153RaceVS |
155 | Referring Physician | 4. Referral Information | Practitioner | name + identifier | ServiceRequest.requester -> Practitioner |
160 | Wait Location | 4. Referral Information | Organization | name + identifier | ServiceRequest.supportingInfo -> Organization |
42 | Clinical Status Change Date | 5. Diagnostic Information | Observation | valueDateTime | Observation.code = 42 |
43 | History of Myocardial Infarction | 5. Diagnostic Information | Observation | valueCodeableConcept | Observation.code = 43, bound to ValueSet CorHealthData43HistoryMyocardialInfarctionVS |
44 | Canadian Cardiovascular Society Classification | 5. Diagnostic Information | Observation | valueCodeableConcept | Observation.code = 44, bound to ValueSet CorHealth44CanadianCardiovascularSocietyClassVS |
45 | Acute Coronary Syndrome Classification | 5. Diagnostic Information | Observation | valueCodeableConcept | Observation.code = 45, bound to ValueSet CorHealth45AcuteCoronarySyndromeClassificationVS |
46 | Cardiogenic Shock | 5. Diagnostic Information | Observation | valueBoolean | Observation.code = 46 |
47 | New York Heart Association Functional Classification | 5. Diagnostic Information | Observation | valueCodeableConcept | Observation.code = 47, bound to ValueSet CorHealth47NewYorkHeartAssociationFunctionalClassVS |
48 | Rest Electrocardiogram Ischemic Changes | 5. Diagnostic Information | Observation | valueCodeableConcept | Observation.code = 48, bound to ValueSet CorHealth48RestElectrocardiogramIschemicChangesVS |
49 | Exercise Electrocardiogram Risk | 5. Diagnostic Information | Observation | valueCodeableConcept | Observation.code = 49, bound to ValueSet CorHealth49ExerciseElectrocardiogramRiskVS |
50 | Functional Imaging Risk | 5. Diagnostic Information | Observation | valueCodeableConcept | Observation.code = 50, bound to ValueSet CorHealth50FunctionalImagingRiskVS |
51 | Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction | 5. Diagnostic Information | Observation | valueInteger | Observation.code = 51. 0-100. |
52 | Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction Grade | 5. Diagnostic Information | Observation | valueCodeableConcept | Observation.code = 52, bound to ValueSet CorHealth52LeftVentricularEjectionFractionGradeVS |
53 | Serum Creatinine | 5. Diagnostic Information | Observation | valueInteger | Observation.code = 53. 8 - 2652. |
55 | Dialysis | 5. Diagnostic Information | Observation | valueBoolean | Observation.code = 55 |
56 | Diabetes | 5. Diagnostic Information | Observation | valueBoolean | Observation.code = 56 |
57 | History of Tobacco Use | 5. Diagnostic Information | Observation | valueCodeableConcept | Observation.code = 57, bound to ValueSet CorHealth57HistoryTobaccoUseVS |
58 | Cerebral Vascular Disease | 5. Diagnostic Information | Observation | valueBoolean | Observation.code = 58 |
59 | Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease | 5. Diagnostic Information | Observation | valueBoolean | Observation.code = 59 |
60 | History of Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery | 5. Diagnostic Information | Observation | valueBoolean | Observation.code = 60 |
61 | Endocarditis | 5. Diagnostic Information | Observation | valueCodeableConcept | Observation.code = 61, bound to ValueSet CorHealth61EndocarditisVS |
62 | History of Congestive Heart Failure | 5. Diagnostic Information | Observation | valueBoolean | Observation.code = 62 |
63 | Height | 5. Diagnostic Information | Observation | valueInteger | Observation.code = 63 |
65 | Weight | 5. Diagnostic Information | Observation | valueInteger | Observation.code = 65 |
67 | Pre-Procedural Mitral Regurgitation | 5. Diagnostic Information | Observation | valueCodeableConcept | Observation.code = 67, bound to ValueSet CorHealth67PreProceduralMitralRegurgitationVS |
68 | Mitral Regurgitation Type | 5. Diagnostic Information | Observation | valueCodeableConcept | Observation.code = 68, bound to ValueSet CorHealth68MitralRegurgitationTypeVS |
69 | Mitral Valve Orifice Area | 5. Diagnostic Information | Observation | valueQuantity | Observation.code = 69. 0.0 - 15.0. |
70 | Pulmonary Artery Systolic Pressure | 5. Diagnostic Information | Observation | valueQuantity | Observation.code = 70. 0.0 - 200.0. |
71 | Left Main Lesion without Bypass Graft | 5. Diagnostic Information | Observation | valueBoolean | Observation.code = 71 |
72 | Three Vessel Disease with Proximal Left Anterior Descending Artery | 5. Diagnostic Information | Observation | valueBoolean | Observation.code = 72 |
73 | Vein Graft Lesion | 5. Diagnostic Information | Observation | valueBoolean | Observation.code = 73 |
74 | Survival Dependent Vessel | 5. Diagnostic Information | Observation | valueBoolean | Observation.code = 74 |
75 | Native Stenosis of the Left Main Artery | 5. Diagnostic Information | Observation | valueCodeableConcept | Observation.code = 75, bound to ValueSet CorHealth75NativeStenosisLeftMainArteryVS |
76 | Native Stenosis of the Proximal Left Anterior Descending Artery | 5. Diagnostic Information | Observation | valueCodeableConcept | Observation.code = 76, bound to ValueSet CorHealth76NativeStenosisProximalLeftAnteriorDescendingArteryVS |
77 | Native Stenosis of the Mid/Distal Left Anterior Descending Artery | 5. Diagnostic Information | Observation | valueCodeableConcept | Observation.code = 77, bound to ValueSet CorHealth77NativeStenosisMidDistalLeftAnteriorDescendingArteryVS |
78 | Native Stenosis of the Circumflex Artery | 5. Diagnostic Information | Observation | valueCodeableConcept | Observation.code = 78, bound to ValueSet CorHealth78NativeStenosisCircumflexArteryVS |
79 | Native Stenosis of the Right Coronary Artery | 5. Diagnostic Information | Observation | valueCodeableConcept | Observation.code = 79, bound to ValueSet CorHealth79NativeStenosisRightCoronaryArteryVS |
80 | Stenosis of the Left Anterior Descending Artery Graft | 5. Diagnostic Information | Observation | valueCodeableConcept | Observation.code = 80, bound to ValueSet CorHealth80StenosisLeftAnteriorDescendingArteryGraftVS |
81 | Stenosis of the Circumflex Artery Graft | 5. Diagnostic Information | Observation | valueCodeableConcept | Observation.code = 81, bound to ValueSet CorHealth81StenosisCircumflexArteryGraftVS |
82 | Stenosis of the Right Coronary Artery Graft | 5. Diagnostic Information | Observation | valueCodeableConcept | Observation.code = 82, bound to ValueSet CorHealth82StenosisRightCoronaryArteryGraftVS |
83 | Implant Status | 5. Diagnostic Information | Observation | valueCodeableConcept | Observation.code = 83, bound to ValueSet CorHealth83ImplantStatusVS |
84 | Device Indication | 5. Diagnostic Information | Observation | valueCodeableConcept | Observation.code = 84, bound to ValueSet CorHealth84DeviceIndicationVS |
85 | Patient Presentation | 5. Diagnostic Information | Observation | valueCodeableConcept | Observation.code = 85, bound to ValueSet CorHealth85PatientPresentationVS |
88 | Fibrinolysis Administered | 5. Diagnostic Information | Observation | valueCodeableConcept | Observation.code = 88, bound to ValueSet CorHealth88FibrinolysisAdministeredVS |
89 | First Contact with Paramedics Date | 5. Diagnostic Information | Observation | valueDateTime | Date portion, Observation.code = 89 |
90 | First Contact with Paramedics Time | 5. Diagnostic Information | Observation | valueDateTime | Time portion, Observation.code = 89 |
91 | Ambulance Electrocardiogram Date | 5. Diagnostic Information | Observation | valueDateTime | Date portion, Observation.code = 91 |
92 | Ambulance Electrocardiogram Time | 5. Diagnostic Information | Observation | valueDateTime | Time portion, Observation.code = 91 |
93 | Registration Date | 5. Diagnostic Information | Observation | valueDateTime | Date portion, Observation.code = 93 |
94 | Registration Time | 5. Diagnostic Information | Observation | valueDateTime | Time portion, Observation.code = 93 |
95 | First Hospital Electrocardiogram Date | 5. Diagnostic Information | Observation | valueDateTime | Date portion, Observation.code = 95 |
96 | First Hospital Electrocardiogram Time | 5. Diagnostic Information | Observation | valueDateTime | Time portion, Observation.code = 95 |
97 | Qualifying Electrocardiogram Date | 5. Diagnostic Information | Observation | valueDateTime | Date portion, Observation.code = 97 |
98 | Qualifying Electrocardiogram Time | 5. Diagnostic Information | Observation | valueDateTime | Time portion, Observation.code = 97 |
99 | Fibrinolysis Given Date | 5. Diagnostic Information | Observation | valueDateTime | Date portion, Observation.code = 99 |
100 | Fibrinolysis Given Time | 5. Diagnostic Information | Observation | valueDateTime | Time portion, Observation.code = 99 |
101 | First Balloon Inflation/Device Date | 5. Diagnostic Information | Observation | valueDateTime | Date portion, Observation.code = 101 |
102 | First Balloon Inflation/Device Time | 5. Diagnostic Information | Observation | valueDateTime | Time portion, Observation.code = 101 |
159 | Non-Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Capable Hospital | 5. Diagnostic Information | Organization | name + identifier | Observation.peformer(where code = 85) -> Organization |
103 | Acceptance Date | 6. Acceptance Information | ServiceRequest | occurrencePeriod.start | |
106 | Heart Team Involved in Treatment Decision | 6. Acceptance Information | Observation | valueBoolean | ServiceRequest.supportingInfo -> Observation.code = 106 |
107 | Funding Source | 6. Acceptance Information | Observation | valueCodeableConcept | ServiceRequest.supportingInfo -> Observation.code = 107, bound to ValueSet CorHealth107FundingSourceVS |
108 | Dates Affecting Readiness to Treat From Date | 6. Acceptance Information | Observation | valuePeriod.start | ServiceRequest.supportingInfo -> Observation.code = 108 |
109 | Dates Affecting Readiness to Treat To Date | 6. Acceptance Information | Observation | valuePeriod.end | ServiceRequest.supportingInfo -> Observation.code = 108 |
110 | Booking Date | 6. Acceptance Information | Appointment | requestedPeriod.start | |
111 | Cancellation Reason | 6. Acceptance Information | Appointment | cancelationReason | bound to ValueSet CorHealth111CancellationReasonVS. Only when Appointment.status = 'cancelled'. |
152 | Delay Reason | 6. Acceptance Information | Observation | valueCodeableConcept | ServiceRequest.supportingInfo -> Observation.code = 152, bound to ValueSet CorHealth152DelayReasonVS |
156 | Responsible Health Care Professional | 6. Acceptance Information | Practitioner | name + identifier | ServiceRequest.performer -> Practitioner |
112 | Removal Date | 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information | ServiceRequest | occurrencePeriod.start | |
113 | Removal Reason | 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information | Observation | valueCodeableConcept | ServiceRequest.supportingInfo -> Observation.code = 113, bound to ValueSet CorHealth113RemovalReasonVS |
114 | Procedure | 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information | Procedure | code | bound to ValueSet CorHealth114ProcedureVS |
115 | Procedure Status | 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information | Procedure | status | Code mapping: 'C' - 'completed'; 'N' - 'not-done' |
116 | Access Site | 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information | Procedure | bodySite | bound to ValueSet CorHealth116AccessSiteVS |
117 | Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump | 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information | Observation | valueBoolean | Observation.code = 117 |
118 | Presence of Coronary Stenosis | 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information | Observation | valueCodeableConcept | Observation.code = 118, bound to ValueSet CorHealth118PresenceCoronaryStenosisVS |
119 | Stenosis of the Left Main Artery | 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information | Observation | valueCodeableConcept | Observation.code = 119, bound to ValueSet CorHealth119LeftMainArteryStenosisVS |
120 | Stenosis of the Proximal Left Anterior Descending Artery | 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information | Observation | valueCodeableConcept | Observation.code = 120, bound to ValueSet CorHealth120StenosisProximalLeftAnteriorDescendingArteryVS |
121 | Stenosis of the Mid/Distal Left Anterior Descending Artery | 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information | Observation | valueCodeableConcept | Observation.code = 121, bound to ValueSet CorHealth121StenosisMidDistalLeftAnteriorDescendingArteryVS |
122 | Stenosis of the Circumflex Artery | 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information | Observation | valueCodeableConcept | Observation.code = 122, bound to ValueSet CorHealth122StenosisCircumflexArteryVS |
123 | Stenosis of the Right Coronary Artery | 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information | Observation | valueCodeableConcept | Observation.code = 123, bound to ValueSet CorHealth123StenosisRightCoronaryArteryVS |
124 | Stenosis of the Left Anterior Descending Artery Graft | 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information | Observation | valueCodeableConcept | Observation.code = 124, bound to ValueSet CorHealth124StenosisLeftAnteriorDescendingArteryGraftVS |
125 | Stenosis of the Circumflex Artery Graft | 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information | Observation | valueCodeableConcept | Observation.code = 125, bound to ValueSet CorHealth125StenosisCircumflexArteryGraftVS |
126 | Stenosis of the Right Coronary Artery Graft | 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information | Observation | valueCodeableConcept | Observation.code = 126, bound to ValueSet CorHealth126StenosisRightCoronaryArteryGraftVS |
127 | Lesion Location | 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information | Observation | component.valueCodeableConcept | Observation.code = 127-131_177, component.code = 127, bound to ValueSet CorHealth127LesionLocationVS |
128 | Lesion Type | 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information | Observation | component.valueCodeableConcept | Observation.code = 127-131_177, component.code = 128, bound to ValueSet CorHealth128LesionTypeVS |
129 | Device Type | 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information | Observation | component.valueCodeableConcept | Observation.code = 127-131_177, component.code = 129, bound to ValueSet CorHealth129DeviceTypeVS |
130 | Stent Size | 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information | Observation | component.valueQuantity | Observation.code = 127-131_177, component.code = 130. 2.00 - 10.00. |
131 | Stent Length | 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information | Observation | component.valueInteger | Observation.code = 127-131_177, component.code = 131. 6 - 60. |
134 | Extracorporeal Cardiopulmonary Bypass | 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information | Observation | valueCodeableConcept | Observation.code = 134, bound to ValueSet CorHealth134ExtracorporealCardiopulmonaryBypassVS |
135 | Valve Surgery Type | 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information | Observation | valueCodeableConcept | Observation.code = 135, bound to ValueSet CorHealth135ValveSurgeryTypeVS |
136 | Atrial Fibrillation Ablation Type | 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information | Observation | valueCodeableConcept | Observation.code = 136, bound to ValueSet CorHealth136AtrialFibrillationAblationTypeVS |
137 | Atrial Fibrillation Ablation Instance | 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information | Observation | valueCodeableConcept | Observation.code = 137, bound to ValueSet CorHealth137AtrialFibrillationAblationInstanceVS |
138 | Clinically Relevant Pericardial Effusion | 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information | Observation | valueBoolean | Observation.code = 138 |
139 | Device Embolization | 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information | Observation | valueBoolean | Observation.code = 139 |
140 | Major Bleeding | 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information | Observation | valueBoolean | Observation.code = 140 |
141 | Number of Valve Clips | 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information | Observation | valueInteger | Observation.code = 141. 0 - 9. |
142 | Post-Operative Mitral Regurgitation | 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information | Observation | valueCodeableConcept | Observation.code = 142, bound to ValueSet CorHealth142PostOperativeMitralRegurgitationVS |
143 | Post-Operative Mitral Valve Gradient | 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information | Observation | valueQuantity | Observation.code = 143. 0.0 - 100.0. |
144 | Persistent Inter-Atrial Shunt Post-Procedure | 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information | Observation | valueBoolean | Observation.code = 144 |
145 | Technical Success | 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information | Observation | valueBoolean | Observation.code = 145 |
146 | Vascular Complication | 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information | Observation | valueBoolean | Observation.code = 146 |
157 | Treating Health Care Professional | 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information | Practitioner | name + identifier | -> Practitioner where Procedure.performer.function.coding.code = "T1" |
158 | Second Treating Health Care Professional | 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information | Practitioner | name + identifier | -> Practitioner where Procedure.performer.function.coding.code = "T2" |
177 | Chronic Total Occlusion Result | 7. Offlisting/Procedural Information | Observation | component.valueCodeableConcept | Observation.code = 127-131_177, component.code = 177, bound to ValueSet CorHealth177ChronicTotalOcclusionResultVS |