Data Mapping

These pages provide mapping of the business entities and data to FHIR resources. the constrains that need to be applied to each FHIR resource using the UK Core profiles is provided on the indiviual profile pages which are linked from each mapping section.

Pathology Reporting Data Mapping

Business Entity Name Source Data Item Name Cardinality FHIR Target Mapping Notes
TestRequestSummary Contains a summary of the original test request
TestRequestSummary Identifier 1..1 ServiceRequest.identifier A business level identifier for the original test request.Set by the requesting organisation
TestRequestSummary Status 1..1 ServiceRequest.status The status of the original test request
TestRequestSummary Intent 1..1 ServiceRequest.intent Indicates whether the request is a proposal, plan, an original order or a reflex order
TestRequestSummary Request Date and Time 0..1 ServiceRequest.authoredOn The date and time of the test request
TestRequestSummary Urgency 0..1 ServiceRequest.priority The urgency of the test request.
TestRequestSummary Requested Tests 0.* ServiceRequest.code The tests that have been requested
TestRequestSummary Request Reason 0..1 ServiceRequest.reasonCode The tests that have been requested
TestRequestSummary Condition(s) 0..* ServiceRequest.reasonReference A reference to any conditions the patient has (as supplied by the requester) that are relevant to the test request
TestRequestSummary Notes 0..1 ServiceRequest.note Notes relating to the test request, as provided by the requester. May be used to provide further clinical context and/or the reason for requesting the tests
TestRequestSummary Requester 1..1 ServiceRequest.requester Reference to the person and/or organisation that requested the tests
TestRequestSummary Patient 1..1 ServiceRequest.subject Reference to the patient that the tests are for
Specimen Contains information on the specimen that was provided for testing. Where a single type of specimen (for example blood) is split into multiple containers it is treated as multiple specimens
Specimen Identifier 1..1 Specimen.identifier A business level identifier for the specimen supplied by the collecting/requesting organisation e.g. GP Practice
Specimen Accesson Identifier 1..1 Specimen.accessionIdentifier A business level identifier for the specimen supplied by the performing organisation e.g. laboratory performing the test
Specimen Status 0..1 Specimen.status The status of the specimen
Specimen Type 0..1 Specimen.type The kind of material that forms the specimen
Specimen Received Date and Time 0..1 Specimen.receivedTime The date and time that the specimen was received for processing
Specimen Collection Date and Time 0..1 Specimen.collection.collected The date and time that the specimen was collected from the patient
Specimen Collected Specimen Quantity 0..1 Specimen.collection.quantity.value The quantity of specimen collected
Specimen Collected Specimen Quantity 0..1 Specimen.collection.quantity.unit The name and code of the unit of measure associated with the specimen quantity
Specimen Body Site 0..1 Specimen.collection.bodySite The anatomical site of the specimen collection
Specimen Fasting Status 0..1 Specimen.collection.fastingStatus.
Details of the fasting status of the patient
Specimen Notes 0..1 Specimen.note Notes relating to the specimen
Specimen Patient 1..1 Specimen.subject Reference to the patient from which this specimen was taken
Specimen Specimen Collector 0..1 Specimen.collection.collector Reference to the person and/or organisation that collected the specimen
Test Group Refers to a group of related diagnostic tests, for example a Full Blood Count. Test groups are often referred to as batteries, panels or profiles. The individual tests within a test group may differ between organisations.
Test Group Identifier 1..1 Observation.identifier A business level identifier for the test group
Test Group Status 1..1 Observation.status The status of the test group.
Test Group Name 1..1 Observation.code The name and code of the test group
Test Group Notes 0..1 Observation.comment Notes relating to the test group, as provided by the performing organisation
Test Group Result(s) 0..* Observation.related References to the results that make up this test group
Test Group Patient 0..1 Observation.subject Reference to the patient that this test group relates to
Test Group Specimen 0..1 Observation.specimen Reference to the specimen on which these results were based
Test Group Performer 0..* Observation.performer Reference to the person and/or organisation that authored the test report
Test Result Contains information relating to a diagnostic test result. It is populated by the performing organisation
Test Result Identifier 1..1 Observation.identifier A business level identifier for the test result
Test Result Status 1..1 Observation.status The status of the test result
Test Result Category 0..1 The general type of test result
Test Result Test Performed Date and Time 0..1 Observation.effectiveDateTime The date and time that the test was performed
Test Result Test Result Issued Date and Time 0..1 Observation.issued The date and time that the test result was issued to the requesting organisation
Test Result Test Name 1..1 Observation.code The name and code of the test that was performed
Test Result Test Result Value 0..1 Observation.value.valueQuantity.value The test result value
Test Result Test Result Value Comparator 0..1 Observation.value.valueQuantity.comparator A comparator that may used to indicate whether the actual value is greater or less than the stated value
Test Result Test Result Value Unit of Measure 0..1 Observation.value.valueQuantity.unit The name and code of the unit of measure associated with the test result value
Test Result Test Result Absent Reason 0..1 Observation.dataAbsentReason The reason why a test result is missing
Test Result Reference Range Low 0..1 Observation.referenceRange.low The reference range low value
Test Result Reference Range High 0..1 Observation.referenceRange.high The reference range high value
Test Result Reference Range Text 0..1 Observation.referenceRange.text A human readable text-based description to provide additional information about the reference range. For example, the target population that the reference range applies to and/or differences based on factors such as age or sex
Test Result Body Site 0..1 Observation.bodySite The body part that was tested/observed
Test Result Test Method 0..1 Observation.method The method of testing/observation that was used
Test Result Clinical Summary 0..1 Observation.comment A human readable text-based clinical interpretation of the test result and any additional notes provided by the performing organisation
Test Result Interpretation Code 0..1 Observation.interpretation A simple coded interpretation of the test result, for example "out of range", "high", "low"
Test Result Patient 0..1 Observation.subject Reference to the patient that this result is about
Test Result Performer 0..1 Observation.performer Reference to the person and/or organisation that authored the test report
Test Result Specimen 0..1 Observation.specimen Reference to the specimen on which these results were based
Test Result Parent Test Group 0..1 Observation.related Reference to the test group header if the result is part of a test group
Test Report Contains the overall findings and clinical interpretation of one or more diagnostic test results. A test report may reference individual tests, test groups or a combination of these
Test Report Identifier 1..1 DiagnosticReport.identifier A business level identifier for the test report. Set by the performing organisation
Test Report Status 1..1 DiagnosticReport.status The status of the test report
Test Report Clinical Discipline 0..1 DiagnosticReport.category The clinical discipline or diagnostic service that created the test report
Test Report Report Name 0..1 DiagnosticReport.code A name that describes the test report. May be a clinical code and/or text
Test Report Issued Date and Time 1..1 DiagnosticReport.issued The date and time that the test report was issued by the performing organisation
Test Report Clinical Summary 0..1 DiagnosticReport.conclusion A human readable text-based clinical summary relating to the test report and any additional notes provided by the performing organisation
Test Report Clinical Finding Code 0..1 DiagnosticReport.codedDiagnosis A coded clinical finding of the test report
Test Report Request Reference 0..* DiagnosticReport.basedOn Reference to the Test Request Summary
Test Report Patient 1..1 DiagnosticReport.subject Reference to the patient that this report relates to
Test Report Performer 0..* DiagnoticReport.performer Reference to the person and/or organisation that authored the test report
Test Report Specimen 0..* DiagnoticReport.specimen Reference to details about the specimen(s) this report is based on
Test Report Result 0..* DiagnoticReport.result Reference to the result(s)/result groups contained in the report
Patient The subject of the clinical tests
Patient NHS number 0..1 Patient.identifier The unique identifier for a patient within the NHS in England and Wales
Patient Other Identifier(s) 0..* Patient.identifier Country specific or local identifier e.g. Community Health Index (CHI) in Scotland.
Patient Family Name 1..1 That part of a person's name which is used to describe family, clan, tribal group, or marital association
Patient First Given Name 1..1 The first forename or given name of a person
Patient Other Given Name(s) 0..* The middle name(s) or other given name(s) of a person
Patient Name Prefix 0..1 The name prefix (e.g. title) of a person
Patient Stated Gender 0..1 Patient.gender A person’s stated gender. This is self-declared or inferred by observation for those unable to declare their own
Patient Date of Birth 0..1 Patient.birthDate The date on which a person was born or is officially deemed to have been born
Patient Ethnicity 0..1 Patient.extension (ethnicCategory) The ethnicity of a person, as specified by the person
Patient Usual Address 0..1 Patient.address The patient’s usual place of residence
Patient Primary Telephone Number 0..1 Patient.telecom The primary telephone number of the patient
Patient Primary Email Address 0..1 Patient.telecom The primary email address of the patient
Patient Named GP 0..1 Patient.generalPractitioner Reference to the patient's named primary care provider
Performer The person that authored the test report
Performing Organization The organization that authored the test report.
Requester The person that requested the clinical tests
Requesting Organization The organization that requested the clinical tests.
Specimen Collector The person that collected the specimen
Specimen Collecting Organization The organisation that collected the specimen