Export Example

The following is an example export:

    "resourceType": "Bundle",
    "id": "96e96222-bafa-42cc-a631-88dc8f371103",
    "type": "collection",
    "timestamp": "2021-11-12T04:40:49.882106+01:00",
    "entry":  [
            "fullUrl": "440969d01c8dae021bcc6a7faf2731278f0080ac",
            "resource": {
                "resourceType": "Patient",
                "id": "440969d01c8dae021bcc6a7faf2731278f0080ac",
                "name":  [
                        "use": "nickname",
                        "text": "exampleuser"
                "telecom":  [
                        "system": "email",
                        "value": "exampleuser@aol.com"
                "gender": "unknown"
            "fullUrl": "f75661dc92b3caf7dccf244ccda991d0ab95ff34",
            "resource": {
                "resourceType": "QuestionnaireResponse",
                "id": "f75661dc92b3caf7dccf244ccda991d0ab95ff34",
                "status": "completed",
                "subject": {
                    "reference": "Patient/440969d01c8dae021bcc6a7faf2731278f0080ac",
                    "display": "exampleuser"
                "authored": "2021-10-31",
                "item":  [
                        "linkId": "1",
                        "text": "Waren Sie jemals ambulant oder stationär in einem psychiatrischen Krankenhaus in Behandlung?",
                        "answer":  [
                                "valueString": "nein"
                        "linkId": "2",
                        "text": "Haben Sie in der Vergangenheit versucht sich das Leben zu nehmen?",
                        "answer":  [
                                "valueString": "nein"
                        "linkId": "3",
                        "text": "Sind Sie derzeit unfähig selbständig Aufgaben des täglichen Lebens zu bewältigen (Hygiene, Ernährung, Kleidung,...)?",
                        "answer":  [
                                "valueString": "nein"
                        "linkId": "4",
                        "text": "Leiden Sie zusätzlich unter einer Suchterkrankung (Alkohol- bzw. Drogenabhängigkeit) oder hatten Sie jemals psychotische Symptome (z.B. Stimmenhören, Verfolgungswahn, etc.)?",
                        "answer":  [
                                "valueString": "nein"
                        "linkId": "5",
                        "text": "Haben Sie jemals 4 Wochen Antidepressiva täglich in der von Ihrem Arzt verordneten Dosis eingenommen?",
                        "answer":  [
                                "valueString": "ja"
                        "linkId": "6",
                        "text": "Ist bei einer solchen Behandlungen mit Antidepressiva eine wesentliche Besserung Ihrer Beschwerden ausgeblieben (weiterhin Symptome im Bereich Stimmung, Energie, Grübeln, Konzentration, etc.)?",
                        "answer":  [
                                "valueString": "nein"
                        "linkId": "7",
                        "text": "Waren Sie jemals für einen Zeitraum von mindestens 3 Monaten zumindest wöchentlich in einer psychologischen oder psychotherapeutischen Behandlung (Gesprächstherapie)?",
                        "answer":  [
                                "valueString": "nein"
                        "linkId": "8",
                        "text": "Ist bei einer solchen Psychotherapie eine wesentliche Besserung Ihrer Beschwerden ausgeblieben (weiterhin Symptome im Bereich Stimmung, Energie, Grübeln, Konzentration, etc.)?",
                        "answer":  [
                                "valueString": "ja"
                        "linkId": "9",
                        "text": "Bestehen Ihre Beschwerden (niedergeschlagene Stimmung, Interesselosigkeit, Energielosigkeit, Grübeln, Konzentrationsprobleme, etc.) seit mehr als 2 JAHREN an den meisten Tagen?",
                        "answer":  [
                                "valueString": "nein"
            "fullUrl": "95129239811cea4fe5f3c3883c9267d41db7ca49",
            "resource": {
                "resourceType": "MedicationStatement",
                "id": "95129239811cea4fe5f3c3883c9267d41db7ca49",
                "status": "active",
                "medicationCodeableConcept": {
                    "text": "clonazepam"
                "subject": {
                    "reference": "Patient/440969d01c8dae021bcc6a7faf2731278f0080ac",
                    "display": "exampleuser"
                "effectiveDateTime": "2021-10-31",
                "dateAsserted": "2021-10-31",
                "note":  [
                        "text": "Statement about medication intake made by user via a daily questionnaire in the app."
                "dosage":  [
                        "doseAndRate":  [
                                "type": {
                                    "coding":  [
                                            "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/dose-rate-type",
                                            "code": "calculated",
                                            "display": "Calculated"
                                "doseQuantity": {
                                    "value": 1,
                                    "unit": "mg"
            "fullUrl": "3108317aa4daba20663a5268138fbbbcff523cbc",
            "resource": {
                "resourceType": "Observation",
                "id": "3108317aa4daba20663a5268138fbbbcff523cbc",
                "status": "final",
                "category":  [
                        "coding":  [
                                "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/observation-category",
                                "code": "survey",
                                "display": "Survey"
                        "text": "Survey"
                "code": {
                    "coding":  [
                            "system": "http://loinc.org",
                            "code": "89196-0",
                            "display": "Patient reported outcome measure panel"
                    "text": "Kiesler circle survey results."
                "subject": {
                    "reference": "Patient/440969d01c8dae021bcc6a7faf2731278f0080ac",
                    "display": "exampleuser"
                "effectiveDateTime": "2021-10-31",
                "component":  [
                        "code": {
                            "coding":  [
                                    "system": "http://loinc.org",
                                    "code": "89194-5",
                                    "display": "Patient reported outcome measure score"
                            "text": "Hostile Kiesler circle value"
                        "valueInteger": 2,
                        "interpretation":  [
                                "coding":  [
                                        "system": "http://loinc.org",
                                        "code": "89193-7",
                                        "display": "Patient reported outcome measure score interpretation"
                                "text": "Propensity towards rude, overbearing, contentious, hostile, open attacks, blocking, cool, behaviour - on a scale from 0 to 5. Higher values indicate higher propensity"
                        "code": {
                            "coding":  [
                                    "system": "http://loinc.org",
                                    "code": "89194-5",
                                    "display": "Patient reported outcome measure score"
                            "text": "Hostile-dominant Kiesler circle value"
                        "valueInteger": 1,
                        "interpretation":  [
                                "coding":  [
                                        "system": "http://loinc.org",
                                        "code": "89193-7",
                                        "display": "Patient reported outcome measure score interpretation"
                                "text": "Propensity towards punishing, vengeful, critical, instructive, rivating, not letting go, insults, allegations /accusations, sharp tone of voice, belligerent, behaviour - on a scale from 0 to 5. Higher values indicate higher propensity"
                        "code": {
                            "coding":  [
                                    "system": "http://loinc.org",
                                    "code": "89194-5",
                                    "display": "Patient reported outcome measure score"
                            "text": "Hostile-submissive Kiesler circle value"
                        "valueInteger": 4,
                        "interpretation":  [
                                "coding":  [
                                        "system": "http://loinc.org",
                                        "code": "89193-7",
                                        "display": "Patient reported outcome measure score interpretation"
                                "text": "Propensity towards withdrawn-indifferent, restrained-over-cautious, anxious, nervous, helpless, self-accusing, uninvolved, making false promises, isolated, lonely behaviour - on a scale from 0 to 5. Higher values indicate higher propensity"
                        "code": {
                            "coding":  [
                                    "system": "http://loinc.org",
                                    "code": "89194-5",
                                    "display": "Patient reported outcome measure score"
                            "text": "Submissive Kiesler circle value"
                        "valueInteger": 4,
                        "interpretation":  [
                                "coding":  [
                                        "system": "http://loinc.org",
                                        "code": "89193-7",
                                        "display": "Patient reported outcome measure score interpretation"
                                "text": "Propensity towards humble, helpless, small behaviour - on a scale from 0 to 5. Higher values indicate higher propensity"
                        "code": {
                            "coding":  [
                                    "system": "http://loinc.org",
                                    "code": "89194-5",
                                    "display": "Patient reported outcome measure score"
                            "text": "Friendly-submissive Kiesler circle value"
                        "valueInteger": 4,
                        "interpretation":  [
                                "coding":  [
                                        "system": "http://loinc.org",
                                        "code": "89193-7",
                                        "display": "Patient reported outcome measure score interpretation"
                                "text": "Propensity towards friendly-idly, flattering, (exaggerated) -lobend, (over) trusting, quickly unsettled, in need of assistance behaviour - on a scale from 0 to 5. Higher values indicate higher propensity"
                        "code": {
                            "coding":  [
                                    "system": "http://loinc.org",
                                    "code": "89194-5",
                                    "display": "Patient reported outcome measure score"
                            "text": "Friendly Kiesler circle value"
                        "valueInteger": 5,
                        "interpretation":  [
                                "coding":  [
                                        "system": "http://loinc.org",
                                        "code": "89193-7",
                                        "display": "Patient reported outcome measure score interpretation"
                                "text": "Propensity towards cooperative, open, appreciative, warm, cordial, close behaviour - on a scale from 0 to 5. Higher values indicate higher propensity"
                        "code": {
                            "coding":  [
                                    "system": "http://loinc.org",
                                    "code": "89194-5",
                                    "display": "Patient reported outcome measure score"
                            "text": "Friendly-dominant Kiesler circle value"
                        "valueInteger": 3,
                        "interpretation":  [
                                "coding":  [
                                        "system": "http://loinc.org",
                                        "code": "89193-7",
                                        "display": "Patient reported outcome measure score interpretation"
                                "text": "Propensity towards confident, nice, open, accepting leadership, accepting, extrovert,spontaneous, human,showing personal feelings behaviour - on a scale from 0 to 5. Higher values indicate higher propensity"
                        "code": {
                            "coding":  [
                                    "system": "http://loinc.org",
                                    "code": "89194-5",
                                    "display": "Patient reported outcome measure score"
                            "text": "Dominant Kiesler circle value"
                        "valueInteger": 2,
                        "interpretation":  [
                                "coding":  [
                                        "system": "http://loinc.org",
                                        "code": "89193-7",
                                        "display": "Patient reported outcome measure score interpretation"
                                "text": "Propensity towards clear, confident, assertive, controlling, persistent behaviour - on a scale from 0 to 5. Higher values indicate higher propensity"
            "fullUrl": "2d0d6147cc7528deda10abb44943b4cec609fe28",
            "resource": {
                "resourceType": "Practitioner",
                "id": "2d0d6147cc7528deda10abb44943b4cec609fe28",
                "active": true,
                "name":  [
                        "use": "usual",
                        "text": "Example DS"