More sample data

You can find some examples instances for the following resources needed for the SAP Discovery Center mission:

Here are batch bundles that you can upload to your instances of SAP Health Data Services for FHIR using any REST client via POST [base] with the bundles below as payload and where [base] is the service endpoint URL of the core service. See the Bundle ResourceType in the FHIR specification for more information.

  • Bundle with 50 patient instances here, official patient identifier starting with "d-"
  • Bundle with 56 condition instances for the above patients here
  • Bundle with 50 procedure instances for the above patients here
  • Bundle with 50 consent instances for the above patients here

You can also use this comprehensive bundle covering all instances for all resource types above here, official patient identifier starting with "x-"

Some notes on the sample data:

  • All patient instances have identifiers of type "official" starting with a prefix like "a-".
  • All other instances (condition, procedure, consent) refer to those patients via this official identifier. Please make sure that you have loaded the patients with the correct official identifiers beforehand.
  • If you would like to check if the upload was successfull, you can do this by reading the respective resources via GET [base]/[type]. Be aware that the count is set to 50 instances per page as default. If you would like to read more instances, set the parameter _count accordingly.