Rule adaptation

Update your rule with the patient's birthplace

You will now adapt your rule by adding a condition on the country of the patient's birthplace.

  • See here the adapted sample ruleSet instance.

You can update your rule by creating a new version with this new instance via

  • POST [base]/RuleSet where [base] is the rules service endpoint.

CodeSystems for selection criteria

In the same way as before the rule uses a CodeSystem where the codes for the included countries are specified:

  • here is this CodeSystem containing AT, CH, DE as codes.

Create CodeSystems

You can create this code system as Post with the CodeSystem as body via

  • POST [base]/CodeSystem where [base] is the core service endpoint.

Trigger your rule

The new version of your rule will be triggered by clicking the reload icon in the UI. As the new version of the rule relies on the new StructureDefinition containing the birth place extension the column with its country will be automatically added in the UI. As a result the UI displays the patients according the selection criteria of the new rule.

Here is a sample instance of RuleSetRequest.