NHS Digital FHIR Medicines (Retired - 2.1.14)

This guidance is under active development by NHS Digital and content may be added or updated on a regular basis.


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Conformance Url

This is a list of repeat medications referenced from

Command 'pagelink' could not render: Page not found.

Each medication item must contain a single medication entry. A medication entry is free text but must contain the medication item name/description using dm+d terms, where these concepts exist or where a mapping from a proprietary terminology exists, otherwise expressed using proprietary terms. Where applicable the statement should contain the current issue number and maximum number of issues authorised, e.g. “Bendroflumethiazide 2.5 mg Tablets (3/6)”. It may also contain dosage instructions or other relevant information.

    "resourceType": "List",
    "status": "current",
    "mode": "snapshot",
    "code": {
        "text": "Repeat Medications"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "urn:uuid:848d8470-bd51-494e-9347-8142ea75cb23"
    "entry": [
            "item": {
                "display": "Bendroflumethiazide 2.5 mg Tablets (3/6)"
            "item": {
                "display": "Salbutamol 100micrograms/dose inhaler CFC free 200 dose (2/6)"

Conformance Rules

Source Data Item Target FHIR Element Additional Conformance
code.text Default to 'Repeat Medications'
subject (patient) The subject of the list entries
medication entry[].item.display DM+D name of the repeat medication

Example: List

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