NHS Digital FHIR Medicines (Retired - 2.1.14)

This guidance is under active development by NHS Digital and content may be added or updated on a regular basis.


Profile Description
Extension-DM-ResponsiblePractitioner Responsible Practitioner
Extension-DM-ControlledDrug Legal requirement for Controlled Drug prescription - quantity must be expressed in words
Extension-DM-PrescriptionId The globally unique number (DCE UUID) that identifies the Prescription clinical event. The Identifier Global datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows: the root attribute shall contain the value of the DCE UUID
Extension-performerSiteType The nature of the role played by the Nominated Pharmacy in the act of dispensing the medication.
Extension NHS BSA prescriptionType The category of a prescription
Extension-EPS-TaskBusinessStatus The overall status of the prescription
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