NHS Digital FHIR Medicines (Retired - 2.1.14)

This guidance is under active development by NHS Digital and content may be added or updated on a regular basis.


This Implementation Guide is the NHS Digital FHIR Medicines Implementation Guide extension to the core NHS Digital FHIR Implementation Guide which is derived from the UK Core Implementation Guide V2.

This guide is to be used across NHS Digital FHIR R4 API's when implementing Medicines. It should be used in conjunction with the Dose Syntax Implementation Guide which specifies the requirement for structured dose syntax in FHIR (R4).


The guide is core to the FHIR EPS API. An design overview for FHIR EPS can be found here:

Detailed EPS API documentation can be found here:

Resource Index

Medications Workflow Billing
NHSDigital-MedicationDispense NHSDigital-Task NHSDigital-Claim


FHIR is described as a RESTful specification based on common industry level use of the term REST. A set of recommend RESTful interactions are described in the SearchParameters section of the CapabilityStatement

FHIR Messaging (Events)

FHIR Resources can be used in a traditional messaging context, much like HL7 v2. A set of recommend messaging interactions are listed below.

Prescription Messages Dispense Messages
prescription-order dispense-notification
prescription-order-update dispense-notification-update

NHS Digital Developer API Catalouge

In the NHS API Catalogue see the following seections:

Business Use
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