
This Training page provides links to documentation, presentations and videos to introduce readers to the HL7 FHIR Standard in addition to content that may assist those further along their FHIR journey. Nevertheless, these resources are not exhaustive and the experiences of others in the FHIR community, such as those shared in FHIR Chat (see Related Pages), can provide valuable insight. Consequently, readers are encouraged to access other pages in this Implementation Guide to aid understanding.

Introductions and Overviews

HL7 FHIR for Executives - An Overview

A video giving a summary overview of the HL7 FHIR standard from a strategic perspective covering the origins of FHIR, its core components, as well as its benefits and challenges.

HL7 FHIR Executive Summary

An HL7 FHIR page giving a summary overview of the HL7 FHIR standard from a strategic perspective with an example Resource.

Exchanging Healthcare Information - An Introduction to the FHIR Standard

An overview of FHIR, hosted by BCS, from HL7 UK's Technical Chair covering how it works, its relationship to other health informatics standards, development and maintenance.

Watch the presentation or download the presentation slides.

HL7 FHIR Overview

An HL7 FHIR page introducing readers to the standard, providing a roadmap to specifications and guidance on ‘Where to Start’.

HL7 FHIR Overview - Architects

An HL7 FHIR page highlighting aspects of the standard and its principles that may be of most interest to system architects.

HL7 FHIR Overview - Clinicians

An HL7 FHIR page introducing what FHIR provides and highlighting parts of the standard that may be of most interest to the clinical community.

The INTEROPen Clinicians on FHIR presentation also provides a useful introduction.

HL7 FHIR Overview - Developers

An HL7 FHIR pages highlighting aspects of the standard and its principles that may be of most interest to developers.