Naming Conventions for Extensions

The following naming convention applies to the FHIR extensions defined in this guide:

The logical id of the extension shall be in the form Extension-DataStandardsWales-[BusinessName] e.g.

  • Extension-DataStandardsWales-MedicationCourseOfTherapyType
  • Extension-DataStandardsWales-Occupation

The URL of the extension shall be in the form [base URL]/StructureDefinition/Extension-DataStandardsWales-[BusinessName] e.g.


The name of the extension - specifically the name.value.element - shall be in the form ExtensionDataStandardsWales[BusinessName] e.g.

  • ExtensionDataStandardsWalesMedicationCourseOfTherapyType
  • ExtensionDataStandardsWalesOccupation

The title of the extension shall follow the name.value.element, using title case e.g.

  • Extension Data Standards Wales Medication Course Of Therapy Type
  • Extension Data Standards Wales Occupation

The filename of the extension shall be in the form Extension-DataStandardsWales-[BusinessName] e.g.

  • Extension-DataStandardsWales-MedicationCourseOfTherapyType
  • Extension-DataStandardsWales-Occupation