Design overview

The CP-IS FHIR API provides an R4 FHIR Application Programming Interface (API) to allow connecting systems to search for and read CP-IS indicators.

  • The API provides a FHIR RESTful interface within which interactions are performed directly on the server resource using synchronous endpoints using the GET HTTP verb.

  • The API is intended to supersede the existing CP-IS HL7v3 API for use cases where Scheduled and Unscheduled Care Settings need to access Child Protection information.


Compared to the HL7v3 API, the interface definition of Child Protection - Information Sharing looks very different under the FHIR ReST paradigm.

API calls to the resource Endpoints are patterned:

GET [base]/CPIS/[resource]?patient=[NHSNumber]

with Headers:

The Base URL, [base], will be:

Environment [base]
Integration test


  • CP-IS information has been modelled as ... - Data mapping.

  • On receipt of valid ReSTful calls to the Endpoints, the CP-IS FHIR API SHALL retrieve the relevant HL7v3 message, translate the HL7v3 message structure to the corresponding FHIR resources and return to calling Consumer client.


  • The API will allow a healthcare professional to query CP-IS information. Refer to - Interactions.


  • As a pre-requisite for calling the CP-IS FHIR R4 API , client systems MUST have traced the patient on PDS to ensure they have the correct NHS number for the patient. The Spine Core API spec outlines the approaches available for demographic trace and verification.

  • CP-IS FHIR R4 API client systems SHALL implement National role-based access control (RBAC).

  • The CP-IS FHIR R4 API will be hosted on the NHS England API Platform. The security and authorisation approach defined on page Authentication SHALL be required.

  • The CP-IS FHIR R4 Producer API SHALL be capable of determining and resolving Practitioner, PractitionerRole and represented Organisation information from the Authentication and Authorisation token passed by the Client application.