
This page collates and summarises http headers to be included with http requests and responses submitted.

It is recommended that developers are familiar with and refer to technical documentation Introduction to Spine Core FHIR API Framework while integrating with any Spine systems.


  • Authorization: Bearer [access token]
  • TraceID: [yourRef]
  • IsUnscheduledAccessEvent: [boolean]

It is recommended that developers provide a unique reference number or identifier for the TraceID header for tracing purposes. UUID recommended.


Responses will be provided with metadata headers

  • Date: [servedDateTime]
  • Content-type: application/fhir+json

Custom header for CP-IS - IsUnscheduledAccessEvent

CP-IS distinguishes between Scheduled and Unscheduled care settings and/or episodes. These statuses are self-reported by the calling system. In the CP-IS FHIR R4 API this SHOULD be passed as a custom http header, IsUnscheduledEvent.

  • When set to "true" the CP-IS Query originated from unscheduled care

  • When set to "false" the CP-IS Query originated from scheduled care

  • If the IsUnscheduledAccessEvent is omitted, it is assumed that the CP-IS Query originated from unscheduled care.

  • When CP-IS Producer API receives an Unscheduled access, details of the access event, who, when, role, organisation, SHALL be added to the Access History.

  • When CP-IS Producer API receives an Scheduled access, details of the access event, who, when, role, organisation, SHALL NOT be added to the Access History.