Profiles & Operations > Patient Search

Query Search Parameters Description Usage Note
Patient Identifier This parameter specifies an identifier associated with the patient who is the subject of this Immunization record. This use of patient.identifier follows the FHIR Chaining Parameters search methodology Ontario Health Number parameter: patient.identifier. Example: patient.identifier= 1234567890 This parameter specificies the unique patient id associated with their data. example (_id) _id=1234
Primary Care Practioner Request The Practioner can be requested example: _include:=Patient:general-practioner
Performer of Immunization Request The immunization performer can be requested example:_include:Immunization:performer
Reverse Include Condition Reverse include Condition resource example:_revinclude:Condition:patient
Reverse Include Appointment Resource Reverse invclude Appointment Resource example:_revinclude:Appointment:patient


This transaction involves a request by an HIC or other agency requiring immunization information for records pertaining to a patient's immunization records using the patient identifier and patient id parameters.

This operation can have additional resources requested as outlined in the table above.

The default format is JSON (default). XML is not supported in this release.

format=[mime-type]: _format=application/fhir+json

Interaction Diagram

Actor: COVaxON Immunization Requestor

Role: Requests Immunization Data from COVaxON

Actor: COVaxON Immunization Responder

Role: Returns a Bundle containing Immunization documents including and optional resources outlined by request.


COVaxON Search Request

The Search operation will return a Bundle resource containing the COVaxON Immunization records that match the specified search criteria. The COVaxON Search Request supports both GET and POST.

GET [base]/Bundle?([parameters]{&_format=[mime-type]})

POST [base]/Bundle/_search{?&_format=[mime-type]}

COVaxON Search Response

A COVaxON Search Response may contain either:

  • Bundle containing Patient Immunization records matching the search criteria
  • OperationOutcome resource

Example Search Queries

Search by Patient Identifier and include General Practitioner

GET [base]/Patient?identifier=|1234567890&_include=Patient:general-practitioner&_format=application/fhir+json

Search by Patient Identifier and include General Practioner, Immunization Performer, and reverse include Immunization, Condition, and Appointment

GET [base]/Patient?identifier=|1234567890&_include=Patient:general-practitioner&_revinclude=Immunization:patient&_include=Immunization:performer&_revinclude=Condition:patient&_revinclude=Appointment:patient&_format=application/fhir+json

*Search by Patient id and include General Practioner, Immunization Performer, and reverse include Immunization, Condition, and Appointment

GET [base]/Patient?_id=1234&_include=Patient:general-practitioner&_revinclude=Immunization:patient&_include=Immunization:performer&_revinclude=Condition:patient&_revinclude=Appointment:patient&_format=application/fhir+json

Search Patient using POST

POST [base]/Patient/_search?_format=application/fhir+json Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded identifier=|1234567890&_include=Patient:general-practitioner&_revinclude=Immunization:patient&_include=Immunization:performer&_revinclude=Condition:patient&_revinclude=Appointment:patient

Expected Behaviour

COVaxON HTTP Response Code

Case Scenario HTTP Status Code OpOutcome Code OpOutcome Severity OperationOutcome.issue.details.text & OperationOutcome.text
1 Success HTTP 200
2 No matches HTTP 200 not-found information Not found: Resource matching search parameters
3 Consent block HTTP 200 suppressed warning Information was not returned due to business rules, consent or privacy rules, or access permission constraints. This information may be accessible through alternate processes
4 Missing required parameter HTTP 400 required error Missing required search parameter: patient identifier or immunization id
5 Failed authentication HTTP 401 security error Authorization is required for the interaction that was attempted
6 Invalid patient identifier parameter HTTP 400 value error Invalid search parameter: patient identifier
7 Invalid patient identifier system parameter HTTP 400 value error Invalid search parameter: patient identifier system
8 Invalid request HTTP 400 invalid error Invalid Request
9 Rate limit HTTP 429 throttled error Too many requests
10 Unhandled exception HTTP 500 exception fatal Internal error

Gateway HTTP Response Codes

Case Scenario HTTP Status Code Notes
1 Authorization success application dependant Successfully authorized. Copy the code returned from the application.
2 Invalid token format HTTP 400 Bad request
3 Token format incorrection HTTP 401 Unauthorized
4 Unauthorized HTTP 403 Forbidden
5 Any other 405 Method not allowed
6 Unhandled exception HTTP 500 Server internal error