Business Context > Business Data

COVaxON Retrieval Implementation Guide Conceptual Data Model

The primary data model for the collection of COVaxON IG resides in the main project documents that are referenced in the References section of this guide. The Conceptual Model presented below is tied directly to the HL7 FHIR interface specification and uses FHIR Resources for entities for the transmission of the SETP data.

The model does not repeat the structure of the messages laid out in FHIR. Links to FHIR specs are included for entity definitions and field code values. In any difference of meaning between cited FHIR elements and this model, FHIR is the authoritative voice. This model relies on the following specifications:

  • FHIR R4 (4.0.1) - The current official version of FHIR used at Ontario Health as of the time this implementation guide was published.

Conceptual Data Model ERDs and Metadata

Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERDs) follow. These include: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Conceptual Data Model

Entity Name Description FHIR Resource Name

[INSERT] Subject Area