Actors and Interactions

Background: Actors and Interactions

Actors and Interactions

This section describes the various actors involved in the implementation and use of the cowboy hat-related FHIR resources, as well as their interactions. Understanding these elements is essential for effective deployment and integration.


  1. Healthcare Providers

    • Role: Use the resources to document and access detailed patient information related to cultural preferences for cowboy hats, potentially impacting care decisions.
    • Example: Physicians, nurses, and allied health professionals.
  2. Researchers

    • Role: Utilize the detailed classifications and profiles for studies in cultural heritage, fashion history, and sociological research.
    • Example: Anthropologists, sociologists, and cultural historians.
  3. Technology Developers

    • Role: Implement and integrate the FHIR resources into various applications, ensuring interoperability and adherence to standards.
    • Example: Software developers, IT administrators, and system integrators.
  4. Fashion and Lifestyle Experts

    • Role: Use the standard classifications and profiles to manage inventories, personalize recommendations, and analyze trends.
    • Example: Fashion designers, retailers, and lifestyle consultants.
  5. Archivists

    • Role: Document and preserve cultural artifacts, including cowboy hats, using standardized terminology and classifications.
    • Example: Museum curators, digital archivists, and cultural preservationists.


  1. Healthcare Provider to Data Repository

    • Interaction:
      • Document patient information using the Profile for Cowboy and FavoriteCowboyHat.
      • Record allergies and material sensitivities using the CodeSystem for Cowboy Hats.
    • Purpose: Ensure comprehensive and culturally sensitive patient records.
  2. Researcher to Data Repository

    • Interaction:
      • Access standardized data for analysis using the ValueSet for Cowboy Hat Styles.
      • Document findings using the Profile for Cowboy and FavoriteCowboyHat.
    • Purpose: Facilitate consistency in cultural and sociological research.
  3. Technology Developer to Application

    • Interaction:
      • Implement FHIR resources into healthcare systems, cultural databases, and lifestyle applications.
      • Ensure interoperability and adherence to FHIR standards.
    • Purpose: Create functional and integrated applications.
  4. Fashion Expert to Inventory System

    • Interaction:
      • Classify inventory using the CodeSystem for Cowboy Hats.
      • Personalize customer recommendations using the Extension for FavoriteCowboyHat.
    • Purpose: Improve inventory management and customer satisfaction.
  5. Archivist to Cultural Database

    • Interaction:
      • Document cowboy hats with detailed metadata using the ValueSet for Cowboy Hat Styles.
      • Preserve personal stories and cultural significance using the Profile for Cowboy and FavoriteCowboyHat.
    • Purpose: Ensure accurate and rich cultural heritage records.

PlantUML Diagram

This UML diagram highlights the interactions between various actors and the FHIR resources and data repositories, illustrating the flow of actions and how each actor contributes to the overall system. By detailing these elements, stakeholders can better understand and implement the guide effectively within their specific contexts.