Home (VPP Community ODS)
This Implementation Guide serves as a technical specification for implementing FHIR in order to interact with the VPP Community ODS. Sufficient business rationale is provided to illustrate the scenarios that the specification aims to fulfill. Storyboards, interactions, vocabulary, data types, object identifiers (URIs), and FHIR examples are included to facilitate the implementation process.
MERGE THIS PARAGRAPH: This document provides guidance for implementations supporting HL7 FHIR® to query records from the VPP Community ODS. It includes business context, use cases and business rules, as well as FHIR profiles including structure definitions (XML and JSON), operations, examples (XML and JSON), terminologies, identifiers, and conformance requirements for consuming data using HL7 FHIR®.
FHIR Version
This Implementation Guide is FHIR 4.0.1 conformant.
Table of Contents
- Home (VPP Community ODS)
- Introduction
- Scope
- Intended Audience
- Identifier Policy
- Terms, Acronyms & Definitions
- Reference Materials
- Known Issues
- Implementation Guide Revision History
- Business Context
- Actors
- Business Model
- Conceptual Information Architecture
- Use Cases
- Business Rules
- Future Development/Considerations
- Implementation Guidance
- Profiles
- Workflows
- Integration Methods
- Profiles Relationship Diagram
- Current Profiles
- Future Profiles (Draft)
- Terminology
- Messages
- Capability Statement
- Downloads
Copyright Notice
This specification is fully copyright protected by the owner.
The owner has the exclusive right to make copies of this specification. No alterations, deletions or substitutions may be made without the prior written consent of the owner. No part of it may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, email or any information storage and retrieval system, without the prior written consent of the owner.
HL7® is a registered trademark of Health Level Seven, Inc. (http://www.hl7.org) This specification contains information for which copyright is held by Health Level Seven, Inc. Implementors of the standards (those developing software or otherwise making use of the specification) are required to be members of either Health Level Seven Inc., HL7 Canada or one of the other HL7 affiliates. There is no such membership requirement for individuals and organizations which merely install or use software with built-in HL7 interfaces.
LOINC® is a registered trademark of the Regenstrief Institute, Inc. (http://regenstrief.org)
This material includes SNOMED Clinical Terms® (SNOMED CT®) (https://www.snomed.org/snomed-ct/) which is used by permission of SNOMED International. All rights reserved. SNOMED CT®, was originally created by The College of American Pathologists.
“SNOMED” and “SNOMED CT” are registered trademarks of SNOMED International (https://www.snomed.org/) .
This specification contains proprietary and confidential information of Vancouver Coastal Health, Providence Healthcare and B.C. Provincial Health Services Authority (“VPP”). This specification is offered to you on the condition that you accept these terms and conditions without modification. Any dissemination or distribution of this specification or any copies thereof to any third party without VPP’s prior written consent is strictly prohibited.
VPP has prepared this specification for its own use and provides it to you for information purposes only. You understand that the information in this specification may be subject to change at any time and that VPP cannot be responsible for the completeness, currency, accuracy or applicability of this specification, or any information contained in it, to your needs or the needs of any other party. You understand and agree that:
(i) you are solely responsible for determining whether any information in this specification is applicable to your needs;
(ii) any access, use or reliance on any information in this specification is at your sole and exclusive risk;
(iii) this specification is provided “AS IS” without any warranties or representations of any kind, express or implied, in fact or in law;
(iv) VPP is not responsible for your use or reliance on the information in this specification or any costs associated with such use or reliance; and
(v) VPP has no liability to any party for that party’s access, use or reliance on this specification or any of the information contained in it.
Document Control
The electronic version of this specification is recognized as the only valid version.