Note: This has been superceded by the Send Document v2.0.0 specification
All use-cases
Note: The tables below outline the requirements for ALL use-cases of the GP Connect Send Document capability.
The following table outlines what the sender (or provider) needs to provide for all GP Connect Send Document use cases.
Reference | Guidance | Description |
GPCM-C-1 | How to configure MESH | MESH MUST be used as the message transport mechanism |
GPCM-C-2 | Using ITK3 | All FHIR Messages MUST conform to the ITK3 Message Distribution Standard, v2.10.0 |
GPCM-SD-028 | Profile: CareConnect-Organization-1 | The payload MUST contain a FHIR CareConnect-Organization-1 resource describing the sender organisation (the originating practice) |
GPCM-SD-029 | Profile: CareConnect-Organization-1 | The payload MUST contain a CareConnect-Organization-1 resource with the sending organisation ODS Organisation Code, populated in the odsOrganisationCode slice of the identifier element |
GPCM-SD-030 | Profile: CareConnect-Organization-1 | The payload MUST contain a FHIR CareConnect-Organization-1 resource with the name of the organisation, populated in the name element |
GPCM-SD-031 | Profile: CareConnect-Organization-1 | The payload MUST contain a FHIR CareConnect-Organization-1 resource with the telephone number of the sending organization, populated in the telecom element, where telecom.system contains a fixed value of phone , and telecom.value contains the telephone number |
GPCM-SD-032 | Profile: CareConnect-Practitioner-1 | The payload MUST contain a FHIR CareConnect-Practitioner-1 resource with the sending practitioner SDS User ID, populated in the sdsUserId slice of the identifier element |
GPCM-SD-033 | Profile: CareConnect-Practitioner-1 | The payload MUST contain a FHIR CareConnect-Practitioner-1 resource with the official name of the sending practitioner, populated in the name element, and the name.use element must contain the value: official |
GPCM-SD-034 | Profile: CareConnect-Practitioner-1 | The payload MUST contain a FHIR CareConnect-Practitioner-1 resource with the telephone number of the sending practitioner, populated in the telecom element if it is available, where the telecom.system element contains a fixed value of phone , and telecom.value element contains the telephone number |
GPCM-SD-035 | Profile: CareConnect-Patient-1 | The payload MUST contain a FHIR CareConnect-Patient-1 resource with an NHS number, populated within the nhsNumber slice of the identifier element |
GPCM-SD-036 | Profile: CareConnect-Patient-1 | The payload MUST contain a FHIR CareConnect-Patient-1 resource with the official name of the patient, populated in the name element, and name.use must contain the value: official |
GPCM-SD-037 | Profile: CareConnect-Patient-1 | The payload MUST contain a FHIR CareConnect-Patient-1 resource with the date of birth for the patient, populated in the format: YYYY-MM-DD within the birthDate element |
GPCM-SD-038 | Profile: CareConnect-Patient-1 | How to configure MESH | All values, populated in the FHIR CareConnect-Patient-1 resource in the name , birthDate , and nhsNumber elements MUST match those specified in the MESH message configuration - e.g., MESH API: Mex_To , and MESH Client: To_DTS |
GPCM-SD-039 | Extension: Extension-ITK-MessageHandling-2 | The payload MUST contain a FHIR Extension-ITK-MessageHandling-2 resource with a value taken from the FHIR ValueSet ITK-RecipientType-1, populated in the RecipientType element |
GPCM-SD-040 | Extension: Extension-ITK-MessageHandling-2 | The payload MUST contain a FHIR Extension-ITK-MessageHandling-2 resource with the value true , populated in the BusAckRequired element. This will request an ITK3 response with a response code in the range: 30001 to 30003 |
GPCM-SD-041 | Extension: Extension-ITK-MessageHandling-2 | The payload MUST contain a FHIR Extension-ITK-MessageHandling-2 resource with the value true , populated in the InfAckRequired element. This will request an ITK3 response with a response code in the range: 10001 to 20013 |
GPCM-SD-042 | Extension: Extension-ITK-MessageHandling-2 | The payload MUST contain a FHIR Extension-ITK-MessageHandling-2 resource with a unique identifier of the activity which has taken place at the sending organisation, populated within the SenderReference element |
GPCM-SD-043 | Extension: Extension-ITK-MessageHandling-2 | The payload MUST contain a FHIR Extension-ITK-MessageHandling-2 resource, populated with a fixed value of within the MessageDefinition element |
GPCM-SD-045 | Profile: CareConnect-ITK-Header-Organization-1 | The payload MUST contain a FHIR CareConnect-ITK-Header-Organization-1 in the ITK-Message-Bundle-1 profile |
GPCM-SD-046 | Profile: ITK-MessageHeader-2 | The payload MUST contain a FHIR ITK-MessageHeader-2 with the MESH mailbox identifier of the sender, populated within the source element |
GPCM-SD-047 | Profile: ITK-MessageHeader-2 | The payload MUST contain a FHIR ITK-MessageHeader-2 , populated with the fixed value of ITK007C from the ITK-MessageEvent-2 code system, within the event element |
GPCM-SD-048 | Profile: ITK-MessageHeader-2 | The payload MUST contain a FHIR ITK-MessageHeader-2 with the date and time of when the message was generated, populated within the timestamp element
Note: A separate process (such as the MESH client) may be responsible for sending the message at a later date and time. |
GPCM-SD-049 | Profile: ITK-MessageHeader-2 | The payload MUST NOT populate the receiver element in the FHIR ITK-MessageHeader-2 resource, as MESH routing will be used to route the message to the registered GP practice using the patient NHS number, date of birth, and surname |
GPCM-SD-059 | How to configure MESH | From_DTS MUST contain the MESH mailbox ID of the sender of the message (e.g., the originating practice) |
GPCM-SD-060 | How to configure MESH | To_DTS MUST contain the NHS Number, DOB and Surname of the patient delimited by the underscore "_ " character. This enables automatic routing of the message to the registered GP MESH mailbox |
GPCM-SD-061 | How to configure MESH | Subject MUST contain To text in the following format:[document-title] for [patient-name], NHS Number: [nhs-number], seen at [location-name], [ods-code], Version: [version-number] |
GPCM-SD-062 | How to configure MESH | Mex-From MUST contain the MESH mailbox ID of the sender of the message (e.g., the originating GP practice) |
GPCM-SD-063 | How to configure MESH | Mex-To MUST contain the NHS Number, DOB and Surname of the patient delimited by the underscore (_ ) character. This enables automatic routing of the message to the registered GP MESH mailbox |
GPCM-SD-064 | How to configure MESH | Mex-Subject MUST contain To text in the following format:[document-title] for [patient-name], NHS Number: [nhs-number], seen at [location-name], [ods-code], Version: [version-number] |
GPCM-SD-098 | How to handle updates to documents | Version 1 is the original document, and updates to documents sent after the initial document MUST increment by 1 |
GPCM-SD-103 | Profile: ITK-MessageHeader-2 | The payload MUST contain a FHIR ITK-MessageHeader-2 resource, populated with an entry element, containing an ITK-Document-Bundle-1 profile |
GPCM-SD-104 | Profile: ITK-Document-Bundle-1 | The payload MUST contain a FHIR ITK-Document-Bundle-1 resource, populated with an entry element containing a CareConnect-Composition-1 profile |
GPCM-SD-105 | Profile: CareConnect-Composition-1 | The payload MUST contain a FHIR CareConnect-Composition-1 resource, with the custodian element being populated with a reference to a CareConnect-Organization-1 , containing information pertaining to the sending organisation |
GPCM-SD-106 | Profile: CareConnect-Composition-1 | The payload MUST contain a FHIR CareConnect-Composition-1 resource, populated with a reference to a CareConnect-Patient-1 within the subject element |
GPCM-SD-107 | Profile: CareConnect-Composition-1 | The payload MUST contain a FHIR CareConnect-Composition-1 resource, populated with a reference to the sending organisation using the CareConnect-Organization-1 within the author element |
GPCM-SD-108 | Profiles | All FHIR profiles within the payload MUST be populated with resource metadata, using the Meta resourceNote: Guidance around how to populate the Meta element for this capability has yet to be defined and our reference example only populates the profile element. |
GPCM-SD-109 | Profile: CareConnect-Composition-1 | The payload MUST contain a FHIR CareConnect-Composition-1 resource, populated with a section element for each attachment |
GPCM-SD-110 | Profile: CareConnect-Composition-1 | Related to GPCM-SD-109, the payload MUST contain a FHIR CareConnect-Composition-1 resource, populated with a section.entry with a reference to an ITK-Attachment-Binary-1 resource for each attachment |
GPCM-SD-111 | Profile: ITK-Attachment-Binary-1 | The payload MUST contain a FHIR ITK-Attachment-Binary-1 resource, populated with a base64 encoded attachment in the content element
GPCM-SD-123 | Profile: CareConnect-Composition-1 | How to handle updates to documents | In the event of a replacement document being sent, the payload MUST contain a FHIR CareConnect-Composition-1 resource, populated with the UUID of the previous message in the relatesTo.identifier element |
GPCM-SD-131 | Profile: CareConnect-Composition-1 | How to handle updates to documents | In the event of a replacement document being sent, the payload MUST contain a FHIR CareConnect-Composition-1 resource, populated with the fixed value of replaces in the relatesTo.code element |
The following table outlines what the receiver (or consumer) needs to return to the sender (or provider) in the form of an ITK3 response header or FHIR ITK-Response-OperationOutcome-1
Reference | Guidance | Description |
GPCM-SD-050 | Extension: Extension-ITK-MessageHandling-2 | The payload MUST contain a FHIR Extension-ITK-MessageHandling-2 resource with the value false , populated in the BusAckRequired element |
GPCM-SD-051 | Extension: Extension-ITK-MessageHandling-2 | The payload MUST contain a FHIR Extension-ITK-MessageHandling-2 resource with the value false , populated in the InfAckRequired element |
GPCM-SD-052 | Extension: Extension-ITK-MessageHandling-2 | The payload MUST contain a FHIR Extension-ITK-MessageHandling-2 resource with the unique identifier of the activity which took place at the sending organisation, populated within the SenderReference element |
GPCM-SD-053 | Profile: CareConnect-ITK-Header-Organization-1 | The payload MUST contain a FHIR CareConnect-ITK-Header-Organization-1 in the ITK-Message-Bundle-1 profile |
GPCM-SD-054 | Profile: ITK-MessageHeader-2 | The payload MUST contain a FHIR ITK-MessageHeader-2 resource, populated with a fixed value of ITK008M , taken from the ITK-MessageEvent-2 code system, within the event element |
GPCM-SD-055 | Profile: ITK-MessageHeader-2 | The payload MUST contain a FHIR ITK-MessageHeader-2 with the date and time of when the message was generated, populated within the timestamp element
Note: A seperate process (such as the MESH client) may be responsible for sending the message at a later date and time. |
GPCM-SD-065 | Error handling | Where the received message does not conform to the requirements stated for ITK3 header, or for the payload, the message MUST be considered invalid |
GPCM-SD-066 | Error handling | Where a received message is invalid, an ITK3 Response MUST be generated, with the corresponding negative ITK3 Response Code which indicates the nature of the error, and the message MUST NOT be accepted for downstream processing |
GPCM-SD-074 | Error handling | Profile: ITK-Response-OperationOutcome-1 | The context and description MUST be provided in the ITK-Response-OperationOutcome-1.diagnostics element to enable the sender of the originating message to correctly identify the error with their payload |