UK Core Implementation Guide 0.5.0 - STU1

People and Organizations

This set of Profiles relate to the Patient receiving care, the Practitioner (health and care professional) providing care, their PractionerRole, the Organization responsible for delivering care and the Location at which care is delivered.

There are other FHIR Resources related to people not currently covered in this guidance, they are:

  • RelatedPerson
  • Person
  • Group.


This profile relates to the Patient receiving care. Guidance relating to Patients may be found on the Profile UKCore-Patient page.


This profile relates to health and care professional practitioners delivering care.

Guidance relating to Practitioners may be found on the Profile UKCore-Practitioner page.


This profile relates to the role(s) of a practitioner and can also specify the organizations and/or locations at which the practitioner performs particular roles.

This profile can only specify one organisation. Where a practitioner works in multiple organizations an instance of this Profile should be created for each organisation.

Multiple locations within an organisation can be linked to this profile. However, when the role(s) performed at different locations are different an instance of the Profile should be created for each different set of location(s)/role(s).

Guidance relating to Roles of practitioners may be found on the Profile UKCore-PractitionerRole page.


This profile describes organisations involved in the delivery of health and care.

An organisation is the legal entity responsible for the care of a patient, for example a NHS Trust or GP Practice.

Organisations (including private and third sector organisations working with the NHS) should have an ODS organisation code.

Be careful not confuse organisation with location. Use organisation to specify the legally responsible organisation. Use location to specify a physical location or class of locations.

Guidance relating to organisations may be found on the Profile UKCore-Organization page.


This profile describes locations at which health and care is delivered. It can represent anything from a bed to a multi-building site. A location can be a partOf another location and can be linked to a managingOrganization.

A location can represent an actual physical location or a class(type) of location see location.mode for futher infomation.

Guidance relating to locations may be found on the Profile UKCore-Location page.

Be careful not confuse location with organisation. Use location to specify a physical location or class of locations. Use organisation to specify the legally responsible organisation.

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