- This version of the UK Core is a development copy.
- This contains BREAKING CHANGES as a result of the C&TA Sprint 7 Review, and STU2 Sequence ballot reconciliation.
- This version is not yet reviewed for implementation. Other versions are available on the UK Core Version History Guide
- Please follow the guidance on the Contact Us page if you need any assistance.
- A summary of changes is available on the STU3 Sequence Change Log
Profiles and Extensions
Extensions Index
This extension library contains all the extensions Clinically and Technically Assured for use with UK Core. The profiles are found in the Profiles Index. The table below lists all the current extensions and the context of use.
The context of use column indicates the profile and /or element where the extension may be applied. The modifier extension column indicates whether the extension is a modifier extension or not.
The general rule is extensions can be ignored by receivers*. When a modifier extension is received it SHALL NOT be ignored as it modifies the meaning of the element or elements that contains it. Typically, this means information that qualifies or negates the primary meaning of the element that contains it.
For more information from HL7 about FHIR extensions
For more information from HL7 about FHIR Modifier extensions
*There may be specific use cases where this is not the case and the Domain Implementation Guidance associated with the use case SHOULD be consulted.
The Extensions are rendered in several formats:- Tree: a fully calculated form of the Extension that is not dependent on any other structure
- Detailed: a fully calculated form of the Extension in table form
- Table: a tabular view of the differential Extension elements
- XML: a rendering of a XML view of the Extension
- JSON: a rendering of a JSON view of the Extension
Further information from HL7 relating to extensibility is available.
UK Core Extensions
The Extensions listed below have been defined as UK Core extensions. Also included in this library are some HL7 core-defined extensions which have been added to the UK Core profiles because they have been deemed to be "core" to UK FHIR data exchanges. These will have a page with guidance on usage in the UK and examples to illustrate usage.
Note: implementers of UK Core MAY use any HL7 core-defined extension from the HL7 standard regardless of whether the extension is included in this implementation guide. The list of core-defined extensions in FHIR R4 is available in the HL7 Core-defined Extension Registry.
Implementers of the UK Core profiles MAY also create their own Extensions where required, but are encouraged to engage with the UK Core development process to ensure that there is not an existing suitable extension available, and to assist in guidance around the use of an extension with the UK Core, and with wider use by the UK FHIR Community.
Narrative Listing
Alphabetical Listing
By Sprint
C&TA Sprint 1:
- UKCore-AddressKey
- UKCore-BirthSex
- UKCore-ContactPreference
- UKCore-ContactRank
- UKCore-CopyCorrespondenceIndicator
- UKCore-DeathNotificationStatus
- UKCore-EthnicCategory
- UKCore-MainLocation
- UKCore-NHSNumberVerificationStatus
- UKCore-OtherContactSystem
- UKCore-ResidentialStatus
C&TA Sprint 2:
C&TA Sprint 3:
- UKCore-MedicationPrescribingOrganizationType
- UKCore-MedicationRepeatInformation
- UKCore-MedicationStatementLastIssueDate
- UKCore-MedicationTradeFamily
- UKCore-ParentPresent
- UKCore-PharmacistVerifiedIndicator
- UKCore-VaccinationProcedure
C&TA Sprint 4:
- UKCore-AdmissionMethod
- UKCore-CareSettingType
- UKCore-ConditionEpisode
- UKCore-DischargeMethod
- UKCore-EmergencyCareDischargeStatus
- UKCore-LegalStatus
- UKCore-ListWarningCode
- UKCore-OutcomeOfAttendance
C&TA Sprint 5:
C&TA Sprint 6:
- UKCore-AdditionalContact
- UKCore-AssociatedEncounter
- UKCore-BodySiteReference
- UKCore-Coverage
- UKCore-ConditionBodyStructure
- UKCore-DeviceReference
- Command 'pagelink' could not render: Page not found.
- UKCore-NHSNumberUnavailableReason
- UKCore-PriorityReason
- UKCore-PatientFetalStatus
- UKCore-SampleCategory
C&TA Sprint 7:
By Resource
- UKCore-DeviceReference
- Command 'pagelink' could not render: Page not found.
- UKCore-AdmissionMethod
- UKCore-DischargeMethod
- UKCore-EmergencyCareDischargeStatus
- UKCore-LegalStatus
- UKCore-MedicationPrescribingOrganizationType
- UKCore-MedicationStatementLastIssueDate
- UKCore-PharmacistVerifiedIndicator
- UKCore-AddressKey
- UKCore-BirthSex
- UKCore-ContactPreference
- UKCore-ContactRank
- UKCore-CopyCorrespondenceIndicator
- UKCore-DeathNotificationStatus
- UKCore-EthnicCategory
- UKCore-NHSNumberUnavailableReason
- UKCore-NHSNumberVerificationStatus
- UKCore-OtherContactSystem
- UKCore-ResidentialStatus
- UKCore-PatientFetalStatus
HL7 Core-defined Extensions
The following HL7 Core-defined Extensions have been agreed as suitable to be included for use with the UK Core Profiles because the use case for an Extension is fully met by a pre-existing HL7 Core-defined Extension.
Implementers of the UK Core profiles MAY also use other HL7 core-defined extensions to extend the UK Core if required by the local implementation, but are encouraged to engage with the UK Core development process to add guidance into the UK Core for wider use by the UK FHIR Community.
HL7 Core-defined Extension | Context of Use | Related Profile | Modifier Extension |
Extension coding-sctdescid | Coding | Use on Element ID Coding | NO |
Extension observation-bodyPosition | Observation | Profile UKCore-Observation-VitalSigns | NO |
Extension organization-period | Organization | Profile UKCore-Organization | NO |
Extension patient-birthPlace | Patient | Profile UKCore-Patient | NO |
Extension patient-birthTime | Patient.birthDate | Profile UKCore-Patient | NO |
Extension patient-cadavericDonor | Patient | Profile UKCore-Patient | NO |
Extension patient-interpreterRequired | Patient | Profile UKCore-Patient | NO |
Core-defined Extension patient-proficiency | Patient | Profile UKCore-Patient | NO |
Extension specimen-specialHandling | Specimen.collection | Profile UKCore-Specimen | NO |
Pre-adopted R5/R6 Elements
The following R5 elements have been agreed as suitable to be included for use with the UK Core Profiles because the use case for pre-adopting an R5 element as an Extension, rather than creating a UK Core specific extension is fully met.
As of 19/05/2023, the package to enable pre-adopted elements to function as per the guidance, is not available. To enable rendering and validation of these pre-adopted elements, we have provided UK Core proxy extensions, as per the current threads on chat.fhir.org, with the R5 canonical urls. These proxy extensions will be retired once the HL7 package is released.
R6 Element | Related Profile | Proxy Extension | Modifier Extension |
Condition.bodyStructure | Profile UKCore-Condition | Extension UKCore-ConditionBodyStructure | NO |