HL7 Core-defined Extensions

The following HL7 Core-defined Extensions/a> have been agreed as suitable to be included for use with the UK Core Profiles because the use case for an Extension is fully met by a pre-existing HL7 Core-defined Extension.

Implementers of the UK Core profiles MAY also use other HL7 core-defined extensions to extend the UK Core if required by the local implementation, but are encouraged to engage with the UK Core development process to add guidance into the UK Core for wider use by the UK FHIR Community.

HL7 Core-defined Extension Context of Use Related Profile Modifier Extension
Extension coding-sctdescid Coding Use on Element ID Coding NO
Extension messageheader-response-request MessageHeader Profile UKCore-MessageHeader NO
Extension observation-bodyPosition Observation Profile UKCore-Observation-VitalSigns NO
Extension organization-period Organization Profile UKCore-Organization NO
Extension patient-birthPlace Patient Profile UKCore-Patient NO
Extension patient-birthTime Patient.birthDate Profile UKCore-Patient NO
Extension patient-cadavericDonor Patient Profile UKCore-Patient NO
Extension patient-interpreterRequired Patient Profile UKCore-Patient NO
Extension specimen-specialHandling Specimen.collection Profile UKCore-Specimen NO