Transform Guidance for STU3 CareConnect to R4 UKCore

How to Read This Guide

This Guide is divided into several pages which are listed at the top of each page in the menu bar.

  • Home: Readme guide.
  • Guidance: Transformation guidance for each corresponding CareConnect and UKCore profile
    • AllergyIntolerance Guidance: Guidance on transformation of an STU3 CareConnect AllergyIntolerance resource to an R4 UKCore AllergyIntolerance resource.
  • StructureMaps and FML: StructureMaps with corresponding FML and examples to transform a CareConnect resource into a UKCore resource.
  • Profiles: STU3 CareConnect and R4 UKCore profile of each resource, as well as a generated diff of each StructureDefinition pair.
    • AllergyIntolerance: STU3 CareConnect and UKCore profile of the AllergyIntolerance resource and a generated StructureDefinition diff.
  • Tooling: Information and guidance on how to use some of the major available tooling for transforming FHIR resources with StructureMaps and FML.
    • HAPI Core: Information and guidance on how to use the HAPI Core library via the pre-package validator jar to perform transformation using the provided StructureMaps.
    • Matchbox FHIR Server: Information and guidance on how to use the Matchbox FHIR Server to convert FML to a StuctureMap.
  • Sitemap Overview: Site map of the transformation guidance.