This implementation guide describes the APIs for Remote Clinical Monitoring (RCM) vendors to integrate with Synapxe's RCM platform. RCM enables healthcare providers to remotely monitor patients’ health by tracking their vital signs and clinical parameters such as blood pressure, blood glucose, weight and steps count.
This RCM FHIR specification defines the FHIR profiles (constraints) that are used in this project. All FHIR-based specifications rely on an underlying set of base "resources".
RCM FHIR® Resources
The following resources will be used for its payloads:
- Patient resource to represent patient
- CarePlan resource to represent the care programme assigned to the patient
- Observation resource to submit vital readings for a patient
- Communication resource to communicate any alerts regarding patient's vital readings.
Summary of Operations
Operations | Resource | HTTP Verb |
Create Patient | Bundle (Patient, CarePlan) | POST |
Send Vital Signs | Observation | POST |
Submit Communication Alert | Bundle (Communication, Observation) | POST |
Bundle (Patient, CarePlan)
The diagram below illustrates the resources that are referenced by the PatientCarePlan (Bundle) resource.
Bundle (Communication, Observation)
The diagram below illustrates the resources that are referenced by the CommunicationObservation (Bundle) resource.