
This implementation guide describes the APIs for Remote Clinical Monitoring (RCM) vendors to integrate with Synapxe's RCM platform. RCM enables healthcare providers to remotely monitor patients’ health by tracking their vital signs and clinical parameters such as blood pressure, blood glucose, weight and steps count.


This RCM FHIR specification defines the FHIR profiles (constraints) that are used in this project. All FHIR-based specifications rely on an underlying set of base "resources".

Content and Organization

The implementation guide is organized into the following sections:

Home - includes general background information about the Remote Clinical Monitoring (RCM) program, and this implementation guide.

Operations - provides details on the operations implemented by the RCM project.

Profiles - provides details on the FHIR profiles included in the scope of this guide, including profile-specific implementation guidance and message definitions.

CapabilityStatement - provides a description of the expected response codes as well as links to download the capability statement that defines the behaviour of systems associated with this guide.

Terminology - provides a full list of terminology artifacts used in this implementation guide with a terminology updates subsection.

Downloads - allows download all technical artifacts within this implementation guide.


Resources are the building blocks of the FHIR standard. These resources convey the content of clinical records, identify patients or providers, or otherwise support messaging between systems. These resources have been developed by several working groups at HL7, based on members’ experience and subject expertise. These resources are intended to capture and support 80% of all implementation use case requirements; projects are encouraged to meet the remaining 20% of requirements through extensions and profile constraints. The list of all available resources in the FHIR standard can be found at, with additional details at


Resources defined in the FHIR standard are intended to support a wide variety of use cases, resulting in a large number of available elements, and very few constraints. Implementers are encouraged to create and apply FHIR Profiles, which places constraints on the defined FHIR resources – tightening cardinality, identifying unused/unsupported elements, defining value sets for elements, and adding extension elements.

Transmission Specification

The formal MIME-type for FHIR resources is application/fhir+json or application/fhir+xml. The correct mime type SHALL be used by clients and servers:

  • JSON (preferred): application/fhir+json
  • XML (optional): application/fhir+xml

FHIR® uses UTF-8 for all request and response bodies. Since the HTTP specification defines a default character encoding of ISO-8859-1, requests and responses SHALL explicitly set the character encoding to UTF-8 using the charset parameter of the MIME-type in the Content-Type header. Requests MAY also specify this charset parameter in the Accept header and/or use the Accept-Charset header.

Accept-Language field in HTTP header will be used to set the language of the search in the future releases. The default value is "en".

RCM FHIR® Resources

The following resources will be used for its payloads:

  • Patient resource to represent patient
  • CarePlan resource to represent the care programme assigned to the patient
  • Observation resource to submit vital readings for a patient
  • Communication resource to communicate any alerts regarding patient's vital readings.

Summary of Operations

Operations Resource HTTP Verb
Create Patient Bundle (Patient, CarePlan) POST
Send Vital Signs Observation POST
Submit Communication Alert Bundle (Communication, Observation) POST

Bundle (Patient, CarePlan)

The diagram below illustrates the resources that are referenced by the PatientCarePlan (Bundle) resource.


Bundle (Communication, Observation)

The diagram below illustrates the resources that are referenced by the CommunicationObservation (Bundle) resource.
