SPOClinicalInformationRequest - General Message

There are two types of SPOClinicalInformationRequest messages that can be sent as part of the Specialty Patient Enrollment Accelerator message flow. Both messages use the FHIR Version R4 Bundle, for which the type of property is "message".

The first SPOClinicalInformationRequest message uses the Bundle_SPOClinicalInforamtionRequest_General profile that is sent in response to SPOInitiationRequest messages accepted for processing, which requests the following clinical information for the patient being prescribed a specialty medication -- allergies, problems, current medication, height, weight, and most recent clinical note.

The second SPOClinicalInformationRequest message uses the Bundle_SPOClinicalInforamtionRequest_ConditionSpecific profile that is sent in response to SPOInitiationRequest messages accepted for processing, when there is clinical information needed for enrollment for the medication and/or reasons for prescribing the medication. In particular, if there are lab results that are relevant or smoking status is required. When sent, this message requests smoking status and/or lab results for a patient. For more information on the SPOClinicalInformationRequest (condition specific) message, see the SPOClinicalInformationRequest - Condition Specific page.

This page contains the profiles created for the SPOClinicalInformationRequest (general callback) message: