
A successful response body (0 or 1 patient match) returns a FHIR® Bundle resource. It will contain zero or one FHIR® Patient resource depending on whether a match was found or not. Listed below are links to the FHIR® documentation for the resources and web service API endpoint information.

PatientSearchResponse Sample Response Explained

Patient Match Found

FHIR Resource Hierarchy Cardinality Description
Bundle Patient found response will be a Bundle with a single Patient resource.
Patient A Patient resource populated with the Surescripts assigned patient identifier and demographics for the requested patient will be returned.

No Patient Match Found

FHIR Resource Hierarchy Cardinality Description
Bundle When no error occurs, but no patient match was found by any responder, an empty Bundle will be returned.

Error Response

FHIR Resource Hierarchy Cardinality Description
OperationOutcome When an error is encountered trying to process the Patient Match request, an OperationOutcome with a diagnostics value containing text with the error description will be returned.