DRAFT - The specification is currently in development and subject to significant change. It is not ready for limited roll-out or production level use.

Technical Actors

CA:eReC Messaging defines four different Technical Actors that perform different roles within messaging integrations.

Actor Description
eReC Requester The eReC Requester is the technical actor that produces and sends FHIR Messages to an eReC Performer corresponding to actions taken by a Requester HCP during the referral lifecycle starting with transmission of a request for eReferral/eConsult services. The eReC Requester also receives and responds where appropriate to the related FHIR Messages sent by the eReC Performer.

In a closed loop electronic referral process, FHIR messages sent by the eReC Requester primarily serve to provide Performer HCP's, Case Assigners and their delegates with information needed to triage the request and perform the requested service.
eReC Performer The eReC Performer is the technical actor that receives and responds where appropriate to the related FHIR Messages sent by the eReC Requester. This actor also produces and sends FHIR Messages to the eReC Requester corresponding to actions undertaken by Performer HCPs, Case Assigners or their delegates during the course of processing eReferral/eConsult requests and performing the requested services.

In a closed loop electronic referral process, FHIR messages sent by the eReC Performer primarily serve to close the loop on the referral process by progressing the state of the referral, providing a mechanism to request additional information and to share information about appointments booked and outcomes.
eReC Informer The eReC Informer technical actor produces and sends FHIR messages to eReC Recipient(s) with a need to retain a copy of the referral record or to receive notifications as the state or content of the referral records changes.
eReC Recipient The eReC Recipient is technical actor that receives FHIR messages from the eReC Informer.

In real world architectures, eReC Recipients may correspond to a broad range of systems that either seek to retain a copy of the referral record captured in an RMS (e.g.: Point of Service systems used for record keeping by HCPs participating in the referral process or at the patient's medical home or data repositories) or that may act upon notifications of business events.

As illustrated in the sections that follow, systems participating in real world architectures will commonly perform some or all of these roles.