DRAFT - The specification is currently in development and subject to significant change. It is not ready for limited roll-out or production level use.

MessageBundle - Appointment (CA:eReC)


An Appointment SHALL be the focus of messages corresponding to the following events:

Event Category Purpose Allowed Responses Response Situation
notify-add-appointment notification To notify systems that an appointment has been created in response to a ServiceRequest.

Message Bundle: Appointment

Appointment bundle


Entries in the message Bundle for these business events will be determined by the content of the ServiceRequest the Appointment is based on which, minimally, SHALL include:

  • a MessageHeader
  • an Appointment referenced in MessageHeader.focus
  • PractitionerRole(s) referenced in MessageHeader.author SHALL reference an Organization, Location, and/or Practitioner

The ServiceRequest the Appointment is based on SHALL either be referenced or included in the Bundle. If it is included in the Bundle, then the Bundle SHALL include:

  • the Patient who is the subject of the ServiceRequest (ServiceRequest.subject)
  • PractitionerRole(s) referenced in ServiceRequest.requester and the requested ServiceRequest.performer where each SHALL reference an Organization, Location, and/or Practitioner


To enable conformance testing against the requirements of this IG, the requirements summarized above are formally specified as contraints within Resource Profiles in this IG. Implementers are strongly encouraged to become familiar with these formal specifications and to rely on them as the source of truth.