DRAFT - The specification is currently in development and subject to significant change. It is not ready for limited roll-out or production level use.

Level 2 System Capabilities

Level 2 systems build upon the simple electronic exchange of referral information provided by Level 1 systems by: enabling a Target System to share the status of work performed in response to a Service Request received (eReferral or eConsult), and

L2: Shared Workflow & Status

In eReferral and eConsult workflows the Service Record created on the Target System progresses through states as the request is assigned, accepted, performed and completed by the recipient.

Exchange of status information from a Target System back to the Source System using messaging imposes additional requirements on both systems.

A Target System claiming compliance with Level 2 SHALL have the ability to to generate and transmit valid messages to a Source System when the state of a request changes, including:

  • when a message containing a Service Request is successfully received and stored for processing2
  • as the work to process the request is assigned, accepted, rejected, completed, cancelled, etc. (etc) by the Performer HCP
  • when the status of the record changes as a result of instructions received from the Requester HCP or another actor via messaging.

A Source System claiming compliance with Level 2 SHALL have the ability to receive and appropriately process a valid messages received from a Target System when the state of a request changes.

State Machine

Level 2 systems, build upon Level 1 capabilities by adding messages exchanged from the Target System to the Source System that focus on a Task (CA:eReC) that includes one of a standard set of status codes and, optionally, a deployment specific business status code. The exchange of information is triggered by actions taken in the Target System that change the Task status.


1 - Rejected and cancelled states are not considered terminal in some existing implementations, making it possible to move a request back to an active state. For more discussion of this, see Business Rules.

Trigger Events & Interactions

The table below illustrates real-life trigger events associated with state changes enabled Level 2 solutions, including the specific event codes within the FHIR message. This list is not exhaustive.

Party Action / Trigger Sending System Focus of Message State Change Event Code Receiving System Expected action upon receipt of message
Target System Receives service request, initiates processing the request Target System Task (CA:eReC) (code='process-request') Service Record / Task created notify-add-process-request Source System Store the status received for access by the user (etc)
Performer HCP Update status as work is performed Target System Task (CA:eReC) (code='process-request') Change in Task.status notify-update-process-request Source System Store the status received for access by the user (etc)