


  • Context of use: Organization
  • This extension extends the Organization resource to support the NHS England requirement for additional information about organisational roles.
  • This extension is mandatory and SHALL be present in an ODS Organization instance



  • Context of use: Organization and OrganizationAffiliation
  • This extension extends the Organization and the OrganizationAffiliation resources to support the exchange of information describing the specific business related date and/or time.
  • This extension is mandatory and SHALL be present in an ODS Organization instance



  • Context of use: Organization, OrganizationAffiliation, ExtensionEnglandOrganisationRole
  • This extension has been created from an ORD use-case in which there is a requirement to hold data for Legal and Operational dates, although it is expected to be broader than ORD and can be used for other scenarios.
  • This extension is not mandatory, but it is expected that one or more SHOULD be present in an ODS Organization, ODS OrganizationAffiliation, or ExtensionEnglandOrganisationRole instance