Example errors
The table below contains some further examples of error codes, their associated Operation Outcomes codes and and potential diagnostics texts.
HTTP Code | Code Value | Description | Example diagnostics text |
400 | SEND_BAD_REQUEST | The API was unable to process the request. | "The API was unable to process the request: <further diagnostics information, error message/error text>" |
REC_BAD_REQUEST | The Receiver has responded stating the message was malformed. | "<Receiver Identifier (ODS)> was unable to process the request: <further diagnostics information, error message/error text>" | |
PROXY_BAD_REQUEST | Though Unlikely, BaRS, having accepted the message; has received a 400 response from an internal component. | "BaRS was unable to process the request: <further diagnostics information, error message/error text>" | |
404 | PROXY_NOT_FOUND | The resource was not found within BaRS. | "The resource was not found within BaRS: <further diagnostics information, error message/error text>" |
REC_NOT_FOUND | The resource was not found at the Receiver. | "<Receiver Identifier (ODS)> encountered a conflict: <further diagnostics information, error message/error text>" | |
409 | REC_CONFLICT | Example: Sender is trying to Book an appointment in a slot that doesn't allow booking. | "<Receiver Identifier (ODS)> encountered a conflict: <further diagnostics information, error message/error text>" |
501 | SEND_NOT_IMPLEMENTED | The Request was not recognized. | "The Request was not recognized by the API: <further diagnostics information, error message/error text>" |
REC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED | The Receiver did not recognize the request. | "The Request was not recognised by the Receiver - <Receiver identifier (ODS)>: <further diagnostics information, error message/error text>" | |
PROXY_NOT_IMPLEMENTED | BaRS did not recognize the request. | "This Request was not recognized by the proxy: <further diagnostics information, error message/error text>" |