Requests and Issues

This page gives guidance about what is asked of a participant in the C&TA process. The documented information falls into three main types:

  1. Information to help or guide participants in the C&TA process.
  2. Reference information which gives further context, etc. to the information that needs to be reviewed. The referenced material is not part of the C&TA process.
  3. Information which is contained in the NHS England Implementation Guide STU1 guide. This is the source material which needs to be reviewed by participants in the C&TA process.

Although not part of the C&TA process, feedback is welcome on items 1 and 2 to help improve the documentation and C&TA process. This feedback will be fed into a post C&TA retrospective which will be open to all participants.

Requests and Feedback should be logged within Simplifier. For more information on how to do this refer to the NHS England Implementation Guide Design and Development Approach Requests, Issues and Feedback section.