Please note:
This guidance is currently under development and all content is currently draft.
There will be disruption as the content will be updated daily and with links not working.

The Skeleton

Page Sub Page Description
Home This is the starting point for readers and should be the page that is used when a link is provided to the Implementation Guides.
Introduction This gives a brief overview of the implementation guidance around things such as: uses cases, scope etc.
How to use this implementation guide This gives a generated site map of the implementation guide and guidance to help them understand the implementation guide
Release notes Gives the change history and any additional information to help the reader understand the changes to the guide. The latest changes will be added to the top of the page.
Guide versionings Details versioning of implementation guides and what the different stages are, links to a separate guide.
Glossary A glossary of terms and acronyms used, links to a separate guide.
FHIR Assets A section that has subpages for each of the FHIR assets, not all FHIR assets are used for all implementations
Profiles The page will contain the Profiles for this implementation guide
Extensions The page will contain the Extensions used by this implementation guide
CodeSystems The page will contain the CodeSystems for this implementation guide
ValueSets The page will contain ValueSets for this implementation guide
ConceptMaps The page will contain the ConceptMaps for this implementation guide
SearchParameters The page will contain the SearchParameters for this implementation guide
OperationDefinitions The page will contain the OperationDefinitions for this implementation guide
CapabilityStatements The page will contain the CapabilityStatements for this implementation guide
All Assets This page is a navigation page and lists the FHIR Asset types
Examples Examples that illustrate the intent of the profiles defined in the implementation guide. These can be any kind of resource The page will contain the Example of implemention MY Core
Downloads An application's Capability Statement may identify one or more implementation guides that an application conforms to. Will be present
Help and support This page gives contact details for help and support This page will contain Contact Info and support.