Um eine dezentrale Datenauswertung mittel des Deutsche Forschungsdatenportal für Gesundheit der Medizininformatik-Initiative zu ermöglichen MUSS die capabilities-Interaktion untersützt werden, sodass durch durch den FHIR-Server unter [BASE_URL]/metadata
ein CapabilityStatement exponiert wird. Innerhalb dieses CapabilityStatement MUSS angegeben werden welche Profile inkl. Version, sowie welche Suchparameter unterstüzt werden.
Nachfolgend wird aufgelistet welche Inhalte verpflichtend im CapabilityStatement angegeben werden MÜSSEN. Darüber hinaus MUSS eine Konformität zu dem nachfolgenden CapabilityStatement in der jeweiligen CapabilityStatement Instanz unter CapabilityStatement.instantiates
angegeben werden.
Mode | Server |
Resource Type | Profile | Supported Profiles | Read | SearchType |
Specimen | Specimen | SHALL | SHALL | |
Observation | Observation | SHALL | SHALL | |
ServiceRequest | ServiceRequest | SHALL | SHALL | |
DiagnosticReport | DiagnosticReport | SHALL | SHALL | |
Composition | Composition | SHALL | SHALL | |
Media | Media | SHALL | SHALL |
Name | Type | Documentation | Level |
_id | token | Logical id of this artifact | SHALL |
_lastUpdated | date | When the resource version last changed | SHALL |
_profile | uri | Profiles this resource claims to conform to | SHALL |
identifier | token | The unique identifier associated with the specimen | SHALL |
accession | token | The accession number associated with the specimen | SHALL |
status | token | available | unavailable | unsatisfactory | entered-in-error | SHALL |
type | token | The specimen type | SHALL |
subject | reference | The subject of the specimen | SHALL |
parent | reference | The parent of the specimen | SHALL |
collected | date | The date the specimen was collected | SHALL |
collector | reference | Who collected the specimen | SHALL |
bodysite | token | The code for the body site from where the specimen originated | SHALL |
container | token | The kind of specimen container | SHALL |
patient | reference | The patient the specimen comes from | SHALL |
request | reference | SearchParameter for Specimen.request | SHALL |
collection-method | token | SearchParameter for Specimen.collection.method | SHALL |
collection-body-site | token | SearchParameter for Specimen.collection.bodySite | SHALL |
processing-procedure | token | SearchParameter for Specimen.processing.procedure | SHALL |
processing-additive | reference | SearchParameter for Specimen.processing.additive | SHALL |
processing-date | date | SearchParameter for Specimen.processing.time | SHALL |
container-additive | reference | SearchParameter for Specimen.container.additive | SHALL |
Name | Type | Documentation | Level |
_id | token | Logical id of this artifact | SHALL |
_lastUpdated | date | When the resource version last changed | SHALL |
_profile | uri | Profiles this resource claims to conform to | SHALL |
based-on | reference | Reference to the service request | SHALL |
category | token | The classification of the type of observation | SHALL |
code | token | The code of the observation type | SHALL |
code-value-concept | composite | Code and coded value parameter pair | SHALL |
code-value-date | composite | Code and date/time value parameter pair | SHALL |
code-value-quantity | composite | Code and quantity value parameter pair | SHALL |
code-value-string | composite | Code and string value parameter pair | SHALL |
combo-code | token | The code of the observation type or component type | SHALL |
combo-code-value-concept | composite | Code and coded value parameter pair, including in components | SHALL |
combo-code-value-quantity | composite | Code and quantity value parameter pair, including in components | SHALL |
combo-data-absent-reason | token | The reason why the expected value in the element Observation.value[x] or Observation.component.value[x] is missing | SHALL |
combo-value-concept | token | The value or component value of the observation, if the value is a CodeableConcept | SHALL |
combo-value-quantity | quantity | The value or component value of the observation, if the value is a Quantity, or a SampledData (just search on the bounds of the values in sampled data) | SHALL |
component-code | token | The component code of the observation type | SHALL |
component-code-value-concept | composite | Component code and component coded value parameter pair | SHALL |
component-code-value-quantity | composite | Component code and component quantity value parameter pair | SHALL |
component-data-absent-reason | token | The reason why the expected value in the element Observation.component.value[x] is missing | SHALL |
component-value-concept | token | The value of the component observation, if the value is a CodeableConcept | SHALL |
component-value-quantity | quantity | The value of the component observation, if the value is a Quantity, or a SampledData (just search on the bounds of the values in sampled data) | SHALL |
data-absent-reason | token | The reason why the expected value in the element Observation.value[x] is missing | SHALL |
date | date | Obtained datetime. If the obtained element is a period, a date that falls in the period | SHALL |
derived-from | reference | Related measurements the observation is made from | SHALL |
encounter | reference | Encounter related to the observation | SHALL |
has-member | reference | Related resource that belongs to the Observation group | SHALL |
identifier | token | The unique id for a particular observation | SHALL |
method | token | The method used for the observation | SHALL |
patient | reference | The subject that the observation is about (if patient) | SHALL |
performer | reference | Who performed the observation | SHALL |
specimen | reference | Specimen used for this observation | SHALL |
status | token | The status of the observation | SHALL |
subject | reference | The subject that the observation is about | SHALL |
value-concept | token | The value of the observation, if the value is a CodeableConcept | SHALL |
value-date | date | The value of the observation, if the value is a date or period of time | SHALL |
value-quantity | quantity | The value of the observation, if the value is a Quantity, or a SampledData (just search on the bounds of the values in sampled data) | SHALL |
value-string | string | The value of the observation, if the value is a string, and also searches in CodeableConcept.text | SHALL |
body-site | token | SearchParameter for Observation.bodySite | SHALL |
value-ratio | composite | SearchParameter for Observation.valueRatio | SHALL |
value-ratio-numerator | quantity | SearchParameter for Observation.valueRatio.numerator | SHALL |
value-ratio-denominator | quantity | SearchParameter for Observation.valueRatio.denominator | SHALL |
Name | Type | Documentation | Level |
_id | token | Logical id of this artifact | SHALL |
_lastUpdated | date | When the resource version last changed | SHALL |
_profile | uri | Profiles this resource claims to conform to | SHALL |
authored | date | Date request signed | SHALL |
category | token | Classification of service | SHALL |
code | token | What is being requested/ordered | SHALL |
encounter | reference | An encounter in which this request is made | SHALL |
identifier | token | Identifiers assigned to this order | SHALL |
intent | token | proposal | plan | directive | order | original-order | reflex-order | filler-order | instance-order | option | SHALL |
patient | reference | Search by subject - a patient | SHALL |
performer | reference | Requested performer | SHALL |
requester | reference | Who/what is requesting service | SHALL |
requisition | token | Composite Request ID | SHALL |
specimen | reference | Specimen to be tested | SHALL |
status | token | draft | active | on-hold | revoked | completed | entered-in-error | unknown | SHALL |
subject | reference | Search by subject | SHALL |
reason-code | token | SearchParameter for ServiceRequest.reasonCode | SHALL |
supporting-info | reference | SearchParameter for ServiceRequest.supportingInfo | SHALL |
Name | Type | Documentation | Level |
_id | token | Logical id of this artifact | SHALL |
_lastUpdated | date | When the resource version last changed | SHALL |
_profile | uri | Profiles this resource claims to conform to | SHALL |
based-on | reference | Reference to the service request | SHALL |
category | token | Which diagnostic discipline/department created the report | SHALL |
code | token | The code for the report, as opposed to codes for the atomic results, which are the names on the observation resource referred to from the result | SHALL |
conclusion | token | A coded conclusion (interpretation/impression) on the report | SHALL |
date | date | The clinically relevant time of the report | SHALL |
encounter | reference | The Encounter when the order was made | SHALL |
identifier | token | An identifier for the report | SHALL |
issued | date | When the report was issued | SHALL |
media | reference | A reference to the image source | SHALL |
patient | reference | The subject of the report if a patient | SHALL |
performer | reference | Who is responsible for the report | SHALL |
result | reference | Link to an atomic result (observation resource) | SHALL |
specimen | reference | The specimen details | SHALL |
status | token | The status of the report | SHALL |
subject | reference | The subject of the report | SHALL |
imaging-study | reference | SearchParameter for DiagnosticReport.imagingStudy | SHALL |
Name | Type | Documentation | Level |
_id | token | Logical id of this artifact | SHALL |
_lastUpdated | date | When the resource version last changed | SHALL |
_profile | uri | Profiles this resource claims to conform to | SHALL |
attester | reference | Who attested the composition | SHALL |
author | reference | Who and/or what authored the composition | SHALL |
category | token | Categorization of Composition | SHALL |
context | token | Code(s) that apply to the event being documented | SHALL |
date | date | Composition editing time | SHALL |
encounter | reference | Context of the Composition | SHALL |
entry | reference | A reference to data that supports this section | SHALL |
identifier | token | Version-independent identifier for the Composition | SHALL |
patient | reference | Who and/or what the composition is about | SHALL |
period | date | The period covered by the documentation | SHALL |
related-ref | reference | Target of the relationship | SHALL |
section | token | Classification of section (recommended) | SHALL |
status | token | preliminary | final | amended | entered-in-error | SHALL |
subject | reference | Who and/or what the composition is about | SHALL |
title | string | Human Readable name/title | SHALL |
type | token | Kind of composition (LOINC if possible) | SHALL |
attester-mode | token | SearchParameter for Composition.attester.mode | SHALL |
custodian | reference | SearchParameter for Composition.custodian | SHALL |
relates-to-code | token | SearchParameter for Composition.relatesTo.code | SHALL |
Name | Type | Documentation | Level |
_id | token | Logical id of this artifact | SHALL |
_lastUpdated | date | When the resource version last changed | SHALL |
_profile | uri | Profiles this resource claims to conform to | SHALL |
created | date | When Media was collected | SHALL |
status | token | preparation | in-progress | not-done | on-hold | stopped | completed | entered-in-error | unknown | SHALL |
subject | reference | Who/What this Media is a record of | SHALL |
type | token | Classification of media as image, video, or audio | SHALL |
part-of | reference | SearchParameter for Media.partOf | SHALL |