
The resource TrustcenterParaBloomfilter is a modified resource of the profile Parameters and is used e.g. to pass information into and back from an operation. It only consists of the element parameter, but needs to contain at least one (1..*) specificied one, the internalParameter. If a summary is requested with the command summary=true, all its attributes are displayed.

Properties and constraints

The resource must contain at least the following type of parameter. Additionally, it is marked as must support therefore the later implementation should be able to process this meaningfully. The parameter consists of two elements, name and value, which must be given exactly once (1..1). Hereby, name has a fixed value and value is restricted to be of type string:

  • internal-psn: An existing pseudonym. If no match can be found (e.g. patient) for this pseuodnym, an error will be returned.

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