HL7 FHIR® UK Core Design and Development Approach

Simplifier Platform Structure


Simplifier is the chosen platform for UK Core development. Further information about Simplifier can be found on the Simplifier homepage.

Simplifier Projects

The UK Core consists of a collection of projects and Implementation Guides. These are developed and released using the Simplifier platform in an organisation account owned by HL7 UK. There are two projects used for the UK Core and related Implementation Guides.

  • HL7 FHIR® UK Core R4 - The UK Core project which contains the FHIR assets and Implementation Guides at various stages of the development and release cycles.
  • UK FHIR Community Assets - A HL7 UK project that contains other assets and guides important for FHIR implementers in the UK.

There is also another HL7 UK project:

  • HL7 FHIR® CareConnect Baseline for STU3 - This is project for the CareConnect STU3 FHIR assets and guides. This project is not directly related to the UK Core but was used as input in the early development of the UK Core. There is currently work in progress to map the CareConnect FHIR assets to UK Core FHIR assets to help implementers migrate to UK Core.

Simplifier Implementation Guides

There are a number of UK Core Implementation Guides, and these will increase over time as more releases are released. Below is a snapshot of the current guides as an illustration of the type of guides that are contained in the UK Core project.

  • UK Core Version History Implementation Guide - the UK Core version History guide which contains the history of the versions of the UK Core either released or in development.
  • UK Core Releases - These are official releases which are deemed as "read only" and these will increase over time
  • C&TA UK Core Releases - These are official releases which MUST NOT be implemented and are only released as input into the Clinical and Technical Assurance process.
  • UK Core FHIR Assets in development - This implementation Guide contains all the FHIR assets that are currently in development and are of low maturity and should be considered as "work in progress". These FHIR assets can be used in implementations but should be used with caution as these have not yet been Clinically and Technically assured. Implementers should feedback issues and requests for change to help increase the maturity of these FHIR assets.

The FHIR Community Assets project currently only contains the UK Naming Systems Implementation Guide.

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