HL7 FHIR® UK Core Design and Development Approach

ConceptMap Design

This section provides background information on metadata used within ConceptMap resources, a section that lists HL7 FHIR standard extensions that may be considered relevant to a UK Core ConceptMap, and links to example CodeSystems already created for the UK Core.

Further information about the ConceptMap resource is available online.

This section also lists HL7 FHIR standard extensions that may be considered relevant to a ConceptMap, followed by an XML template for a new ConceptMap and links to example ConceptMaps already created for the UK Core.

Metadata Usage

The list below contains the element differences between the UKCore and HL7.

Base Resource Definitions

View further information about FHIR base resource definitions.

Element name Base Cardinality UK Core Cardinality Type Definition, Constraints and Notes
id 0..1 1..1 id In the UK Core the format is the following, with the BusinessName in PascalCase:


DomainResource Resource

View further information about FHIR domain resources.

Element name Base Cardinality UK Core Cardinality Type Definition, Constraints and Notes
url 0..1 1..1 uri In the UK Core the format is the following, with the BusinessName in PascalCase:

identifier 0..* 0..0 Identifier identifier SHALL NOT be used within the UKCore
version 0..1 1..1 string This will follow the Semantic Versioning standard [major.minor.patch].
name 0..1 1..1 string In the UK Core the format is PascalCase:

title 0..1 1..1 string In the UK Core the format is Proper Case:

UK Core [Business Names].
status 1..1 1..1 code See NamingSystem.status for more information.
date 0..1 1..1 dateTime Only the date, without time, is populated in the UK Core.
publisher 0..1 1..1 string For all UK Core CodeSystems, where the base URL is https://fhir.hl7.org.uk, this will be HL7 UK.
contact 0..* 1..* ContactDetail See the Publisher, Contact & Copyright for details of how this SHALL be populated for all UK Core CodeSystems, where the base URL is https://fhir.hl7.org.uk/.
description 0..1 1..1 markdown The format should be as follows:

A mapping between codes from [sourceCodeSystem] and codes from [targetCodeSystem]".
copyright 0..1 1..1 markdown All UK Core CodeSystems SHALL contain the the copyright as listed in Publisher, Contact & Copyright

DomainResource Resource

View further information about FHIR Resource ConceptMap - Content.

Element name Base Cardinality UK Core Cardinality Type Definition, Constraints and Notes
source[x] 0..1 1..1 UK Core concept maps use sourceUri. This should be a version specific reference. URIs SHOULD be absolute. If there is no source or target value set, there is no specified context for the map (not recommended). The source value set may select codes from either an explicit (standard or local) or implicit code system.
target[x] 0..1 1..1 UK Core concept maps use targetURI. This should be a version specific reference. URIs SHOULD be absolute. If there is no source or target value set, there is no specified context for the map.
0..1 0..1 uri Although this is not needed if the source ValueSet is specified and contains concepts from a single CodeSystem, it SHOULD still be included in UK Core concept maps to avoid the need to find the source code system from the value set.
0..1 0..1 uri Although this is not needed if the target ValueSet is specified and contains concepts from a single CodeSystem, it SHOULD still be included in UK Core concept maps to avoid the needing to find the target code system from the value set. The group.target may be omitted if all of the target element equivalence values are 'unmatched'.
0..1 1..1 code This element SHALL be used in the UKCore.
0..1 1..1 string This element SHALL be used in the UKCore
0..1 1..1 string This element SHALL be used in the UKCore

ConceptMap Extensions

This section lists HL7 FHIR Standard concept map extensions that could be considered for use in UK Core concept maps.

The full list of HL7 FHIR Standard concept map extensions is available online.


The HL7 FHIR standard extension https://hl7.org/fhir/extension-concept-bidirectional.html MAY be used where the ConceptMap can be safely interpreted in reverse, in order to avoid needing to create an additional ConceptMap for the reverse mapping.

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