FHIR Profiling Guidelines for FHIR R4

  1. Introduction
    1. Language
  2. Open vs. closed world modeling
  3. Logical model as base
    1. Layering: zibs, healthdata.be CBBs and use case specific models
      1. zibs
      2. Healthdata.be CBBs
      3. Use case specific models
    2. Associating the logical definition to StructureDefinitions
  4. Versioning
  5. Changelog of changes to zibs and zib-profiles
  6. Extensions
  7. Practical guidelines
    1. Identity of artifacts
      1. Canonical URL, id, name and title
      2. Folder structure and file name
    2. Metadata
      1. StructureDefinition
      2. ValueSets
    3. ElementDefinition
      1. Usage of DefinitionCodes
      2. Usage of zib concept examples
    4. Examples
      1. Logical mdel examples
      2. FHIR profile examples
  8. Miscellaneous


This document is titled "profiling guidelines", but actually addresses all conformance resources (profiles, extensions, value sets, code systems, CapabilityStatements) and associated examples. We use these terms somewhat interchangeably throughout this document; 'profile' can usually be read as 'the whole set of conformance resources'.


FHIR conformance materials will be created in English in order to encourage adoption. A method to include translations to French and Dutch will be investigated and described in a future version.

Open vs. closed world modeling

When profiling, a "closed world" or an "open world" model can be chosen. The former means that the profile only allows the elements to be used specified by the logical model, with all the restrictions from the logical model. The latter means that the profile can accommodate the elements specified by the logical model, but doesn't impose further restrictions.

We adopt the "open world" modeling approach to aid re-usability beyond the known use cases. When restrictions are deemed necessary for a specific use case, it will be added to the use case specific profiles. We only profile elements, cardinalities and bindings that require profiling. We leave other elements, cardinalities and bindings as-is.

The following table from the Nictiz profiling guidelines provides an overview of the pro's and cons:

× Open Closed
  • Forward compatibility
  • Modelers don't have to think about what you shouldn't support, only what must be supported
  • Implementers can fit more data, even if it's not specified explicitly by the profile
    • Implementers, don't have to support all elements that maybe, someday could be used, according to the model
    • Model becomes more specific
    • Model becomes smaller and more straightforward
    • More implementer feedback, about elements they want to support, but currently can't.
    • Implementers, have to support all optional elements that maybe, someday could be used, according to the model
    • Model becomes more vague,
    • Model becomes larger and less straightforward about what should actually be supported, and what can optionally be supported
    • Less implementer feedback: elements they want to send can be easier 'hacked' in a not yet explicitly specified element.
    • Model won't be improved.
    • More versions of models, after more elements have to be supported
    • No forward compatibility, only backwards
    • Implementers have to wait for a new version of the model, if they want to support elements, that are currently not in scope.

    Logical model as base

    Most, if not all, conformance resources are based on an underlying logical model. The logical model is the specification to which the conformance resources should adhere.

    Layering: zibs, healthdata.be CBB and use case specific models


    The basis for most clinical buildig blocks are formed by the Dutch 'zibs' ('Zorginformatiebouwstenen'), in English also known as are Clinical Information Models (CIMs), Health and Care Information Models (HCIMs) or Clinical Building Blocks (CBB) -- we will use the Dutch term 'zib' for all profiling work as it has become a recognizable term over the past years. The zibs are defined by the program ‘Registratie aan de bron’ (Data capture at the point of care) and provide a foundation of use case neutral building blocks from which use cases can be built. The formal definition of the zibs can be found on the zibs wiki and are also imported into ART-DECOR. Next, these zibs are exported as logical models in FHIR format using StructureDefinition, ValueSet and CodeSystem resources.

    Healthdata.be CBB

    The zibs are used as a starting point to create a clinical building block that represents the Belgium and healthdata.be context. Unfortunately, a technical dependency is not possible because many of the required changes for the Belgium context are not compatible with the zibs which primarily describe use within the Dutch Realm. Changes to the zib are recorded in a changelog file for every CBB. Dutch specific text is removed or rewritten at the authors interpretation. Mentions of zibs are replaced with CBBs. Substantial changes are discussed with Nictiz and logged in their issue management system and logged in the changelog. The FHIR conformance resources will be created based on the healthdata.be CBBs.

    Use case specific models

    Use cases and exchange patterns use and potentially refine the healthdata.be CBBs information model to specific situations or applications.

    Associating the logical definition to StructureDefinitions

    Any StructureDefinition that profiles a Resource does so because there is some kind of logical definition ''dictating'' how. Profiles SHALL have a traceable relationship with their logical counterpart(s). ElementDefinition.mapping: is a free text mapping ''inside'' the profile. We use the mapping elements in profiles to map logical elements to resource elements. Logical elements are referenced based on their element.path in the logical model. The mapping SHALL resolve to the logical model.

    When slicing, the mapping is made on the ''content'' of the slice, not the slice itself.

    On the root element of the StructureDefinition, the mapping should thus be defined as:

        <identity value="HdBe-Patient" />
        <uri value="https://fhir.healthdata.be/StructureDefinition/LogicalModel/HdBe-Patient" />
        <name value="HdBe logical model Patient" />

    A specific element can then be mapped using:

    <element id="Patient.identifier">
        <path value="Patient.identifier" />
            <identity value="HdBe-Patient" />
            <map value="patient_identification_number" />

    Mappings should only be added. There is no need to replace existing mappings as they are valid mappings and provide traceability to the original profiles. It shows the relation between zib and HdBe concepts.


    In general terms, FHIR conformance resources could be affected at several different layers:

    1. The version of the package that the conformance resources reside in: versioned according to SemVer 2.0.
    2. The version of the conformance resource themselves (StructureDefinition.version): used to indicate the business version to the user, without strict specifications.
    3. The FHIR version (StructureDefinition.fhirVersion): this document is specifically aimed at FHIR R4, meaning this element will be fixed on 4.x.
    4. The version of the underlying data model (CBB).

    Regarding points 1 and 2: Healthdata.be uses the package level as the main versioning mechanism. As a result, the conformance resources within the package are not individually versioned; they should be regarded as a consistent set. To identify the package version a conformance resource, its version number MAY be set to the package version.

    Regarding point 4: the life cycle of the underlying data model is not reflected directly in the version number of the conformance resources, but a change in de the underlying data could result in a change in one or more of the conformance resources. In this case, the normal SemVer rules will determine what happens; if some of the conformance resources need to be changed in a backwards-compatible way, a new patch release of the package should be made, if major functionality is added, a new minor version of the package should be released, etc. When a new version of the underlying data model reflects a fundamental change, the choice can be made to create a new package under a different name rather than a new version.

    Version updates of conformance resources normally do not affect their canonical URI. Any resource that references another resource normally does so without a version indicator (uri|version). Instead, this is handled at the package level; reference targets either reside within the same package or in a versioned package that has been added as a dependency.

    Changelog of changes to zibs and zib-profiles

    Every CBB logical model and profile will have an accompanying documentation file that contains a changelog/differential to the zib or zib-profile. The documentation file has the same name as the CBB-profile and ends with .doc.md. For example HdBe-Patient.xml <-> HdBe-Patient.doc.md.

    Template for changelog:

    ## zib [zib name + version](https://zibs.nl/wiki/[zib name + version(release)]) difference
    | Concept         | Category          | Description                             | 
    |`[element.path]` | [category of change] | [Description of change]([Reference to ticket/issue/zulip chat using MarkDown link])


    ## zib [Patient-v3.2](https://zibs.nl/wiki/Patient-v3.2(2020EN)) difference
    | Concept     | Category          | Description of change                   |
    |`patient_identification_number`|textual|Replaced Dutch context (BSN) in the definition with patient identification according to SSIN (NISS-INSZ).
    | `specimen.container_type`| terminology | Relaxed binding from required to preferred. ([zib ticket #1552](https://bits.nictiz.nl/browse/ZIB-1552))|

    Definition of changelog's category

    Category name Description Affected elements
    element Complete removal or addition of a concept/element. element
    textual Textual changes (e.g. typo's) to the zib's definition. This may also contain changes that affect the definition and scope of the zib concept. .definition, .comment, .binding.description
    naming Changes to zibs concept names. .short, .path, .alias
    terminology Adjusted binding strenght of a ValueSet, replaced, removed or added a ValueSet binding .binding.strength, .binding.valueSet,
    slicing Added, removed, or changed a slice. .slicing, .element.slicename
    cardinality Cardinality changes, e.g. relaxing or restricing a concept. .min, .max
    type Usage of a different datatype, e.g. an Identifier instead of a Coded concept. .type
    reference Added, removed or changed a reference, e.g. a reference to Location instead of Organization. .type.targetProfile
    constraint Added, removed or changed to constraints that span multiple concepts. .constraint
    mapping Relocated, removed or added mapping elements. .mapping
    example Changes to examples which are not reflected in other catergories as these should be adjusted in the examples too when applicable. .example


    Sometimes a concept cannot be implemented using the building blocks FHIR offers by default. In this case, an extension might be used to implement such a concept. Keep in mind that extensions are often seen as a burden for implementers:

    • If it possible to model the concept (cleanly) without an extension, this is usually the preferred way.
    • If that's not possible, check if HL7 or other reliable standardisation organizations provide an extension to implement the concept.
    • If that's not possible and after discussing the concept with the HL7 FHIR community (on chat.fhir.org), try to create an extension in a reusable way (or reuse a previously defined extension).
    • If that's not possible, create an extension specific for the resource/profile.

    Usually, mappings for the concept, bindings to specific ValueSets and any functional descriptions will be added when the extension is used within a profile. When the extension pertains to a particular profile or resource, this information SHALL be added to the extension. To aid rendering purposes, functional descriptions and implementation guidance are placed on the extension root rather than the Extension.value[x] (except for terminology bindings). Without constraints, most snapshots generators will only include the root element into the profile that hosts the extension. So placing the information on extension makes sure the information is visible in the profile without the need to navigate into the extension by the implementer.

    Practical guidelines

    Identity of artifacts

    Canonical URL, id, name and title

    Conformance resources can have multiple types of identifying information, which are related at some level:

    • .url The canonical URL, which is the external identifier for conformance resources. All conformance resources SHALL have a canonical URL. This URL is preferably resolvable but does not have to be processable. Canonical URL's are about the identity of artifacts, not necessarily about retrieval location. Canonical URLs aren't meant to be human recognizable.
    • .id This should align with the latter part of the canonical URL.
    • .name A recognizable name that is still computer processable.
    • .title A recognizable title purely for human consumption.

    Profiles, extensions and datatypes

    • The .id will be constructed in the following way:

      • For logical models
        • representing a healthdata.be version of a zib: HdBe-[English zib name]
      • For profiles
        • representing a healthdata.be version of a zib: HdBe-[English zib name]
      • For extensions:
        • pertaining a specific concept in a single profile:ext-[English root concept name].[English concept name]
        • pertaining to multiple profiles, or not pertaining to specific profiles and generally applicable:
          • if the use context is a single resource:ext-[resource]-[purpose]
          • otherwise:ext-[purpose]
      • For datatype profiles:
        • representing a clinical building block: this is regarded a normal profile as described above
        • representing a pattern: pattern-[purpose]
    • The canonical URL (.url) will then be created as:

      • For logical models: https://fhir.healthdata.be/StructureDefinition/LogicalModel/[id]
      • For profiles: https://fhir.healthdata.be/StructureDefinition/[id]
    • The name will be the .id capitalized, with hyphens removed.

    • The title will generally be the .id with hyphens replaced by spaces.

    Where: [purpose] and [English concept name] are generally a PascalCased name joining words together, with the first letter of every word capitalized.


    • The id will be constructed as a word or short wording that describes the ValueSet.
    • The canonical URL will then be: https://fhir.healthdata.be/ValueSet/[id]
    • The name will be constructed as: .id
    • The title will be constructed as: .id


    • The id will be constructed as: [source ValueSet.name]-to-[target ValueSet.name]
    • The canonical URL will then be: https://fhir.healthdata.be/ConceptMap/[id]
    • The name will be constructed as: [source ValueSet.name]_to_[target ValueSet.name]
    • The title will be constructed as: [source ValueSet.name] to [target ValueSet.name]


    Examples of profiles are not conformance resources and lack the .url, .name and .title elements. However, to ensure consistency, the .id is standardized in the following way:

    • [profile id]-[unique string], capped to 64 characters where the unique string is usualy two digits.

    Folder structure and file name

    • logical models
      • logical models/[id].xml
    • profiles
      • resources/[id].xml
    • extensions
      • resources/[id].xml
    • valuesets
      • terminology/ValueSet-[id].xml
    • codesystems
      • terminology/CodeSystem-[name].xml
    • conceptmaps
      • terminology/ConceptMaps-[id].xml
    • namingsystems
      • terminology/NamingSystem-[name].xml
    • examples
      • examples/[profile id]-[serial number, two digits].xml



    • version: none
    • status: as applicable (normally draft or active)
    • publisher: "Healthdata.be (Sciensano)"
    • contact:
      • name: "Healthdata.be (Sciensano)"
      • telecom:
        • system: "email"
        • value: "fhir.healthdata@sciensano.be"
        • use: "work"
    • description:
      • For logical models: the zib exported values from the zib. Potentially updated or refined if healthdata.be requirements have changes to the zib.
      • For common profiles the 'concept' section from the zib/logical model. Potentially updated or refined if healthdata.be requirements have changes to the zib.
      • For specific profiles: as applicable.
      • For extensions: A description of what the extension is for.
    • purpose:
      • For logical models: none
      • For profiles: "This [resource type] resource represents the logical model [ [English logical model name] [version]]([link to logical model])". Note: This template includes a markdown link: '[text] (url)'.
      • For extensions:
        • For extension representing a specific concept: "This extension represents the [concept name] of [name of the building block]]", followed by a link to the functional description.
        • For other extensions this will usually be absent.
        • Note: for extensions and datatype profiles, guidance for profilers may be placed here as well.
    • copyright: "Copyright and related rights waived via CC0, https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/. This does not apply to information from third parties, for example a medical terminology system. The implementer alone is responsible for identifying and obtaining any necessary licenses or authorizations to utilize third party IP in connection with the specification or otherwise."



    As a design principle, zibs contain distinct ValueSets for every concept even if the ValueSet's values/concepts are the same for multiple concepts. For the CBBs, these ValueSets are 'deduplicated' and reused where they are applicable. If ValueSets are similar but have different names, e.g. 'MedicationUseStopType' and 'MedicationAgreementStopType', naming is done at the author's discretion.


    The zib export and Nictiz FHIR profiles contain Dutch naming for ValueSets because the source application ART-DECOR is not yet multilingual for terminology resources. The English translation of the ValueSets is available on the zib's wiki. Therefore, for consistency and clarity, every ValueSet in use by the CBBs is (manually) translated using the zib's English ValueSet name. All canonical references to the ValueSet should be adjusted accordingly.

    Practically, this means that the ValueSets elements .id, .url, .name, .title and .description and the file name are translated. These changes are not recorded in the changelog files.


    Logical models and FHIR profiles are represented using StructureDefinition resources. Every StructureDefinition has 1..* elements of the ElementDefinition type. One element describes exactly one concept. Every zib and CBB concept is mapped and described by an ElementDefinition.

    Usage of DefinitionCodes

    For some concepts within a zib, a DefinitionCode is assigned. A DefinitionCode matches with the meaning of a concept. The export of zibs to FHIR logical models rightfully maps the DefinitionCode to ElementDefinition.code.

    However, for the CBB's we have decided to not take over these DefintionCodes because they are often not well suited or outdated. Furthermore, they are not of much value inside profiles because the element's definition provides sufficient meaning: the semantics of concepts are made clear by their definition and when mapped to FHIR resources, they are backed up by those definitions.

    Usage of zib concept examples

    For some concepts within a zib, examples are available in the export to FHIR logical models. These are mapped to ElementDefinition.example.

    However, the quality of these examples is poor which is likely the result of storage as free text per concept within ART-DECOR. The ElementDefinition.example should ideally be using the concept's datatype. Often the example value of a coded concept is mapped to a CodeableConcept.text with the concept's DefinitionCode to CodeadbleConcept.coding. This might be very confusing for the readers as this does not represent how such a concept will be exchanged. Therefore, ElementDefinition.example is not used with the pre-populated values for the zib export.


    Examples are a vital part of any specification as they will allow the reader to easier understand the expectations. Every logical model and profile shall have at least one example. Logical models examples are functional in nature: they provide examples of what kind of information belongs to a CBB in a non-technical format. FHIR profile examples are technical in nature. The logical model examples are primarily aimed at researchers and non-technical people. They provide an example of how a CBB is initialized in the FHIR standard, in XML or JSON format, that conforms to the FHIR-profile for the respective CBB. These examples are aimed at developers and implementers of the technical specifications.

    Logical mdel examples

    Examples of logical models are not conformant to FHIR, and are therefore not represented in XML or JSON. Examples are provided in table format in a seperate markdown file. The file has the same name as the CBB logical model but ends with .example.md. For example HdBe-BodyHeight.xml <-> HdBe-BodyHeight.example.md. The following conventions exist:

    • For elements that represent a quantity also provide the unit.
    • For elements that hold coded values: provide a code, the preferred display name and the CodeSystem. This format is used: '[code] - [display name] ([CodeSysem]).


    | body_height      |                   |
    | height_value     |165 cm             |
    | height_date_time |2022-01-02         |
    | comment          |                   |
    | position |10904000 - Orthostatic body position (SNOMED CT)  |

    FHIR profile examples

    Examples of FHIR profiles are provided in either XML or JSON format and need to be a valid instance of the profile. Every example shall have at least one profile URL in the .meta.profile element to claim conformance. Examples are stored in the /examples folder.


    To add.