GP Connect - Update Record (ITK3)

Part of the GP Connect product family

Design overview

The GP Connect Update Record (ITK3) capability provides a simple and standardised means of sending a structured payload between community pharmacy, and GP practice. Each message sent using this capability makes use of the GP Connect Messaging components, MESH, and ITK3 to deliver the message.

All messages sent using this capability will be FHIR® Messages, defined as a FHIR composition, constructed to meet the ITK3 standard and have a specific payload structure.

Initially, this capability will support the Pharmacy First Initiative for the following use cases:

  • CPCS Minor Illnesses (including Common Conditions)
  • Blood Pressure Check Service
  • Contraception

Representation of the data

ITK3 is being used as the vehicle to transport the data between care settings, as it is well-established across GP and pharmacy system suppliers.

The representation, however, makes use of the GP Connect data model (FHIR STU3 representation) - which is the same model that is used by GP Connect - Access Record: Structured, and GP Connect - Patient Facing Services.

The intention is that the vehicle can be changed (for example, from ITK3 to a REST API) - but the FHIR profiles (outside of those required for ITK3) can still be ingested - rather than having to build new mappers to ingest data from the FHIR representation to the receiving system internal data model.

The initial use cases for this capability are pharmacy-based, and care has been taken to ensure that the fields within the PRSB Pharmacy Standard (V3.01) can be represented, without bespoke requirements on the FHIR representation that deviate from the existing profiles.

Each use case will be indicated via the appropriate SNOMED CT code using the Profile: CareConnect-Composition-1, within the type element.

Note: The use cases for this capability can be represented using the same FHIR profiles; however, not all profiles will need to be used. The diagrams below attempt to articulate which profiles may be used for each use case.

ITK3 - How it all fits together

 ITK-Message-Bundle-1 (M)
 ITK-Message-Bundle-1 (M)
ITK-MessageHeader-1 (M)
ITK-MessageHeader-1 (M)
Extension-ITK-MessageHandling-2 (M)
Extension-ITK-MessageHandling-2 (M)
ITK-Document-Bundle-1 (M)
ITK-Document-Bundle-1 (M)
CareConnect-GPC-Composition-1 (M)
CareConnect-GPC-Composition-1 (M)
CareConnect-GPC-Encounter-1 (M)
CareConnect-GPC-Encounter-1 (M)
CareConnect-GPC-Patient-1 (M)
CareConnect-GPC-Patient-1 (M)
CareConnect-GPC-Practioner-1 (M)
CareConnect-GPC-Practioner-1 (M)...
ClinicalImpression (M)
ClinicalImpression (M)
CareConnect-GPC-Practitioner-1 (M)
CareConnect-GPC-Practitioner-1 (M)
CareConnect-GPC-PractionerRole-1 (R)
CareConnect-GPC-PractionerRole-1 (R)
CareConnect-GPC-MedicationDispense-1 (R)
CareConnect-GPC-MedicationDispense-1 (R)
CareConnect-GPC-Observation-1 (R)
CareConnect-GPC-Observation-1 (R)
ITK3 requirement - sending organisation
CareConnect-GPC-MedicationDispense-1 (R)
CareConnect-GPC-MedicationDispense-1 (R)
CareConnect-GPC-Condition-1 (R)
CareConnect-GPC-Condition-1 (R)
CareConnect-Oragnization-1 (M)
CareConnect-Oragnization-1 (M)
Text is not SVG - cannot display

Using messaging to perform updates

In contrast to the synchronous FHIR® API approach, which has been taken to enable read-only access to patient information, updates to patient data will be fulfilled through a messaging approach.

Update messages will:

Who will be interested in this capability?

Two main audiences will be interested in this specification:

  1. message senders: Community pharmacies seeking to send messages
  2. message receivers: GP practices seeking to receive and process messages

Typical message flow

The following diagram illustrates how messages flow between the sending (originating) organisation and the registered practice via MESH to fulfil this use case:

Provider (sending system)
Provider (sending system)
MESH API / Client
MESH API / Client
MESH Server
MESH Server
MESH Client - Registered Practice
MESH Client - Regist...
Registered GP Practice
Registered GP Practi...
ITK3 FHIR Message
ITK3 FHIR Message
Patient Activity
Patient Activity
MESH - Message Send
MESH - Message Send
MESH - Message Collect
MESH - Message Collect
Ingest into workflow
Ingest into workflow
ITK3 FHIR Message
ITK3 FHIR Message
Message received and validated
Message received and validated
MESH - Message Send
MESH - Message Send
MESH - Message Collect
MESH - Message Collect
Process acknowledgement
Process acknowledgement
ITK3 FHIR Message
ITK3 FHIR Message
"Patient matched"
"Patient matched"
MESH - Message Send
MESH - Message Send
MESH - Message Collect
MESH - Message Collect
Process acknowledgement
Process acknowledgement
Text is not SVG - cannot display

The diagram above depicts a successful message flow where registered practice message processing validates and matches the initial message successfully to a patient. This involves the following steps:

Step Event Description
1 ITK3 payload
1a After the patient activity is complete, a trigger at the sending organisation results in a FHIR Message being constructed which includes a PDF describing the patient activity.
1b The MESH client at the sending organisation sends the message to the MESH server where it awaits collection by the registered practice.
1c The MESH client at the registered practice collects the message from the MESH server and makes it available to other registered practice system components for onward processing.
1d The message is processed at the registered practice.
2 Infrastructure acknowledgement ITK Response
2a When the payload is passed from the MESH client for processing at the registered practice, the message is first validated to ensure that its structure is correct. An ITK3 Response message is generated which indicates the success of message processing at a technical level - this is known as an infrastructure acknowledgement.
2b The MESH client at the registered practice sends the message to the MESH server where it awaits collection by the originating organisation.
2c The MESH client at the originating organisation collects the message from the MESH server. The ITK Response is then available to other originating system components for onward processing.
2d The acknowledgement message is processed as appropriate by the originating organisation.
3 Business acknowledgement ITK Response
3a When the payload is passed from the MESH client for processing at the registered practice, after successful message validation, the subject of the message contents - the patient - is looked up to ensure that patient is known and registered at the practice. An ITK3 Response message is generated which indicates the success of patient matching - this is known as a business acknowledgement.
3b The MESH client at the registered practice sends the message to the MESH server where it awaits collection by the originating organisation.
3c The MESH client at the originating organisation collects the message from the MESH server and makes it available to other originating organisation system components for onward processing.
3d The acknowledgement message is processed as appropriate by the originating organisation.

The following processing steps must take place at the originating organisation system (the sender) to create the message - as described in step 1a above.

Step Description
1 Initiate process to create a payload. Refer to Send Trigger for guidance on available options.
2 Create the ITK3 payload.
3 Wrap the payload as an ITK3 message, requesting infrastructure and business acknowledgements.
4 Create the MESH message. Specify NHS Number, DOB and Surname in MESH metadata to enable MESH to route to registered practice.

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