ValueSet 'DataStandardsWalesOxygenSaturation'

Published byNHS Wales
StatusActive (since 2025-01-01)

Resource structure is based on UKCore-OxygenSaturation v1.0.0 which is not yet included in a balloted release. Added manually to prevent structure deviation and to support NHS Wales projects. Once available, the resource will be updated and derived from UK Core. A set of codes that define a patients level of consciousness. Selected from the SNOMED CT UK coding system: \n - DescendantOrSelfOf 103228002 | Hemoglobin saturation with oxygen (observable entity) \n - MINUS  \n - DescendantOrSelfOf 927981000000106 | Baseline oxygen saturation at periphery  \n - DescendantOrSelfOf 852651000000100 | Maximum peripheral oxygen saturation  \n - DescendantOrSelfOf 852661000000102 | Minimum peripheral oxygen saturation  \n - DescendantOrSelfOf 852641000000103 | Target peripheral oxygen saturation  \n - DescendantOrSelfOf 442349007 | Venous oxygen saturation

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NHS Wales

This value set includes codes from the following code systems:

  • Include codes from SNOMED_CT where constraint Equal DescendantOrSelfOf 103228002 MINUS (DescendantOrSelfOf 927981000000106 OR DescendantOrSelfOf 852651000000100 OR DescendantOrSelfOf 852661000000102 OR DescendantOrSelfOf 852641000000103 OR DescendantOrSelfOf 442349007)


This expansion was generated on 2023-10-31T15:59:00+00:00

This value set contains 15 concepts

442476006 oxygen saturation
1097811000000106 oxygen saturation on room air at rest
1097821000000100 oxygen saturation on supplemental oxygen at rest
103228002 oxygen saturation
1017311000000104 oxygen saturation (calculated)
442440005 oxygen saturation
718059008 oxygen saturation
373638005 oxygen saturation
442381003 oxygen saturation
442386008 bulb oxygen saturation
866661000000106 blood oxygen saturation on room air at rest
866681000000102 blood oxygen saturation on room air on exertion
866701000000100 blood oxygen saturation on supplemental oxygen at rest
866721000000109 blood oxygen saturation on supplemental oxygen on exertion
431314004 oxygen saturation