Example Observation - ACVPU (Alert Confusion Voice Pain Unresponsive) scale score

Observation.code[0].coding[0].display[0]ACVPU (Alert Confusion Voice Pain Unresponsive) scale score
Observation.subject[0].display[0]PIPER, Peter (NHS: 1192335566)
Observation.performer[0].display[0]Dr Sally Foster (GMC: 9830222)
Observation.performer[1].display[0]Glangwili General Hospital
Observation.value[0].coding[0].display[0]Mentally alert
<Observation xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir">
        <profile value="https://fhir.nhs.wales/StructureDefinition/DataStandardsWales-Observation" />
    <status value="final" />
            <system value="http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/observation-category" />
            <code value="survey" />
            <display value="Survey" />
            <system value="http://snomed.info/sct" />
            <code value="1104441000000107" />
            <display value="ACVPU (Alert Confusion Voice Pain Unresponsive) scale score" />
        <reference value="Patient/Example-DataStandardsWales-Patient-PeterPiper" />
        <display value="PIPER, Peter (NHS: 1192335566)" />
    <effectiveDateTime value="2018-10-04T14:17:59+01:00" />
        <reference value="Performer/Example-DataStandardsWales-Practitioner-Doctor" />
        <display value="Dr Sally Foster (GMC: 9830222)" />
        <reference value="Organization/Example-DataStandardsWales-Organization-GGH" />
        <display value="Glangwili General Hospital" />
            <system value="http://snomed.info/sct" />
            <code value="248234008" />
            <display value="Mentally alert" />

The resource cannot be rendered.

Element 'Observation' has no namespace, expected the HL7 FHIR namespace (http://hl7.org/fhir) At line 1, position 2

Element 'meta' has no namespace, expected the HL7 FHIR namespace (http://hl7.org/fhir) At Observation, line 2, position 3

Element 'profile' has no namespace, expected the HL7 FHIR namespace (http://hl7.org/fhir) At Observation.meta, line 3, position 4

Element 'status' has no namespace, expected the HL7 FHIR namespace (http://hl7.org/fhir) At Observation, line 5, position 3

Element 'category' has no namespace, expected the HL7 FHIR namespace (http://hl7.org/fhir) At Observation, line 6, position 3

Element 'coding' has no namespace, expected the HL7 FHIR namespace (http://hl7.org/fhir) At Observation.category[0], line 7, position 4

Element 'system' has no namespace, expected the HL7 FHIR namespace (http://hl7.org/fhir) At Observation.category[0].coding[0], line 8, position 5

Element 'code' has no namespace, expected the HL7 FHIR namespace (http://hl7.org/fhir) At Observation.category[0].coding[0], line 9, position 5

Element 'display' has no namespace, expected the HL7 FHIR namespace (http://hl7.org/fhir) At Observation.category[0].coding[0], line 10, position 5

Element 'code' has no namespace, expected the HL7 FHIR namespace (http://hl7.org/fhir) At Observation, line 13, position 3

Element 'coding' has no namespace, expected the HL7 FHIR namespace (http://hl7.org/fhir) At Observation.code, line 14, position 4

Element 'system' has no namespace, expected the HL7 FHIR namespace (http://hl7.org/fhir) At Observation.code.coding[0], line 15, position 5

Element 'code' has no namespace, expected the HL7 FHIR namespace (http://hl7.org/fhir) At Observation.code.coding[0], line 16, position 5

Element 'display' has no namespace, expected the HL7 FHIR namespace (http://hl7.org/fhir) At Observation.code.coding[0], line 17, position 5

Element 'subject' has no namespace, expected the HL7 FHIR namespace (http://hl7.org/fhir) At Observation, line 20, position 6

Element 'reference' has no namespace, expected the HL7 FHIR namespace (http://hl7.org/fhir) At Observation.subject, line 21, position 10

Element 'display' has no namespace, expected the HL7 FHIR namespace (http://hl7.org/fhir) At Observation.subject, line 22, position 10

Element 'effectiveDateTime' has no namespace, expected the HL7 FHIR namespace (http://hl7.org/fhir) At Observation, line 24, position 3

Element 'performer' has no namespace, expected the HL7 FHIR namespace (http://hl7.org/fhir) At Observation, line 25, position 3

Element 'reference' has no namespace, expected the HL7 FHIR namespace (http://hl7.org/fhir) At Observation.performer[0], line 26, position 4

Element 'display' has no namespace, expected the HL7 FHIR namespace (http://hl7.org/fhir) At Observation.performer[0], line 27, position 4

Element 'reference' has no namespace, expected the HL7 FHIR namespace (http://hl7.org/fhir) At Observation.performer[1], line 30, position 4

Element 'display' has no namespace, expected the HL7 FHIR namespace (http://hl7.org/fhir) At Observation.performer[1], line 31, position 4

Element 'valueCodeableConcept' has no namespace, expected the HL7 FHIR namespace (http://hl7.org/fhir) At Observation, line 33, position 3

Element 'coding' has no namespace, expected the HL7 FHIR namespace (http://hl7.org/fhir) At Observation.value, line 34, position 4

Element 'system' has no namespace, expected the HL7 FHIR namespace (http://hl7.org/fhir) At Observation.value.coding[0], line 35, position 5

Element 'code' has no namespace, expected the HL7 FHIR namespace (http://hl7.org/fhir) At Observation.value.coding[0], line 36, position 5

Element 'display' has no namespace, expected the HL7 FHIR namespace (http://hl7.org/fhir) At Observation.value.coding[0], line 37, position 5