Example AllergyIntolerance - no known allergies
This shows an example recording a patient that is known to have no allergies.
- Overview
- Table
- Narrative
Command 'tree' could not render: File was not found for Example-DataStandardsWales-AllergyIntolerance-NoKnownAllergy
Command 'table' could not render: File was not found for Example-DataStandardsWales-AllergyIntolerance-NoKnownAllergy
Command 'xml' could not render: File was not found for Example-DataStandardsWales-AllergyIntolerance-NoKnownAllergy
Command 'json' could not render: File was not found for Example-DataStandardsWales-AllergyIntolerance-NoKnownAllergy
Command 'narrative' could not render: File was not found for Example-DataStandardsWales-AllergyIntolerance-NoKnownAllergy