FHIR Data Standards Wales for PSOM v1.0.0-rc3
Important: This is the release candidate of the FHIR Data Standards Wales for PSOM version 1.0.0-rc2 Implementation Guide. It is intended for trial use, and is published for early comment and feedback. Click here to give feedback.



The following Profile is defined as part of the Data Standards Wales implementation guide.

This page describes how the DataStandardsWales Patient profile is used in the DataStandardsWales PSOM use case. It specifies the mappings from the DSCN PROMs-Metadata-2024004 to the profile and gives an example of the information specified.


FHIR element Item Reference Name Constraints
Patient.identifier:nhsNumber MPDPX001X NHS Number M (where available)
Patient.identifier:nhsNumber.extension:nhsNumberVerificationStatus MPDPX001A NHS Number Status Indicator
Patient.identifier:[HealthBoard]PasIdentifier.type MPDPX002A Local Person Identifier Origination
Patient.identifier:[HealthBoard]PasIdentifier.value MPDPX002X Local Person Identifier
Patient.name.family MPDPX004X Family Name M (or optional where NHS No. is supplied and validated, i.e. with Status Indicator = 01)
Patient.name.given MPDPX003X Given Name M (or optional where NHS No. is supplied and validated, i.e. with Status Indicator = 01)
Patient.gender MPDPX006X Gender Identity M (or optional where NHS No. is supplied and validated, i.e. with Status Indicator = 01)
Patient.birthDate MPDPX005X Date of Birth
Patient.address.postalCode MPDPX007X Postcode M (or optional where NHS No. is supplied and validated, i.e. with Status Indicator = 01)


Below is an overview of recommended Server RESTful FHIR search interactions for this profile. The search syntax used to describe the interactions is described here. The following search parameters are recommended:

  1. identifier
  2. name

PAS Identifier

Retrieves all Patient resources that have the specified PAS Identifier:

GET [base]/Patient?identifier=https://fhir.cavuhb.nhs.wales/Id/pas-identifier|A000003


Retrieves all Patient resources that have the specified name:

GET [base]/Patient?name=Jones