FHIR Data Standards Wales for PSOM v1.0.0-rc3
Important: This is the release candidate of the FHIR Data Standards Wales for PSOM version 1.0.0-rc2 Implementation Guide. It is intended for trial use, and is published for early comment and feedback. Click here to give feedback.

Naming Conventions

These naming conventions are applicable to FHIR conformance resources (i.e. StructureDefinition, CodeSystem, ConceptMap, ValueSet, etc.) published within Data Standards Wales FHIR profiles and as part of this implementation guide.

Naming Segments

The naming conventions defined in this project are constructed using the following naming segments:

[BaseURL]: the base URL is 'https://fhir.nhs.wales/'.

[ResourceType]: The FHIR resource type e.g. 'StructureDefinition', 'CodeSystem', 'ConceptMap', 'Patient' or 'MedicationStatement'.

[BusinessName]: The business name of the concept. Depending on the type of resource, different values can be used for this.

  • For CodeSystems and ValueSets used in PSOM profiles, the business name shall reflect the name given in the data set as published in the relevant Data Standards Change Notice (DSCN).
  • For DSCN and LPDS Questionnaire Terminology, the value populated in the XLSForm within the 'list_name' column can be utilised.
  • For ConceptMap resources, the business name shall reflect the name given to the ValueSet that is being mapped from.

[ToolShortForm]: The short name for a Questionnaire. For DSCNs, it is defined by NHS Wales, while for LPDSs, it is determined by the Health Board.

[ResourceTypeAbbreviation]: A two-letter abbreviation for terminology Resources Type. For a CodeSystem this is 'CS' and for a ValueSet this is 'VS'.

[HealthBoardAbbreviation]: A nationally defined three-letter abbreviation for a Health Board.

[ProfileId]: The Profile Logical ID.

[ActorAbbreviation]: An abbreviation for the actor e.g. Health Board is 'HB' and PROMs provider is 'PP'.


The following naming conventions apply to the FHIR PSOM profiles defined in this guide.

1. Logical ID

The logical id of the profile shall be in the form DataStandardsWales-PSOM-[ResourceType] e.g.

  • DataStandardsWales-PSOM-Patient
  • DataStandardsWales-PSOM-Organization

2. URL

The url of the profile shall be in the form [BaseURL]/StructureDefinition/DataStandardsWales-PSOM-[ResourceType] e.g.

  • https://fhir.nhs.wales/StructureDefinition/DataStandardsWales-PSOM-Patient
  • https://fhir.nhs.wales/StructureDefinition/DataStandardsWales-PSOM-Organization

3. Name

The name of the profile - specifically the .name element - shall be in the form DataStandardsWalesPSOM[ResourceType] e.g.

  • DataStandardsWalesPSOMPatient
  • DataStandardsWalesPSOMOrganization

4. Filename

The filename of the profile shall be in the form Profile-DataStandardsWales-PSOM-[ResourceType] e.g.

  • Profile-DataStandardsWales-PSOM-Patient
  • Profile-DataStandardsWales-PSOM-Organization


The following naming conventions apply to the FHIR PSOM examples defined in this guide.

1. Logical ID

Examples of profiles are not conformance resources and lack the .url, .name and .title elements. However, to ensure consistency, the .id is standardised in the form Example-[ProfileId]-[unique string], capped to 64 characters where the unique string is a short description of the example. The string starts with the most generic information and ends with the most specific information.

  • Example-DataStandardsWales-PSOM-Patient-AliceJones
  • Example-DataStandardsWales-PSOM-QuestionnaireResponse-EQ5D5L-Baseline

If the example is intended for a specific actor, the .id is standardised in the form Example-[ProfileId]-[unique string]-[ActorAbbreviation] e.g.

  • Example-DataStandardsWales-PSOM-Bundle-Myeloma-Cancellation-HB
  • Example-DataStandardsWales-PSOM-Bundle-Myeloma-Cancellation-PP

2. Filename

The filename of the resource shall be in the form Example-[ProfileId]-[unique string] e.g.

  • Example-DataStandardsWales-PSOM-Patient-AliceJones
  • Example-DataStandardsWales-PSOM-QuestionnaireResponse-EQ5D5L-Baseline

If the example is intended for a specific actor, filename of the resource shall be in the form Example-[ProfileId]-[unique string]-[ActorAbbreviation] e.g.

  • Example-DataStandardsWales-PSOM-Bundle-Myeloma-Cancellation-HB
  • Example-DataStandardsWales-PSOM-Bundle-Myeloma-Cancellation-PP


The following naming conventions apply to the FHIR extensions defined in this guide.

1. Logical ID

The logical id of the extension shall be in the form Extension-DataStandardsWales-PSOM-[BusinessName] e.g.

  • Extension-DataStandardsWales-PSOM-HospitalClassification
  • Extension-DataStandardsWales-PSOM-EffectivePeriod

2. URL

The url of the extension shall be in the form [BaseURL]/StructureDefinition/Extension-DataStandardsWales-PSOM-[BusinessName] e.g.

  • https://fhir.nhs.wales/StructureDefinition/Extension-DataStandardsWales-PSOM-HospitalClassification
  • https://fhir.nhs.wales/StructureDefinition/Extension-DataStandardsWales-PSOM-EffectivePeriod

3. Name

The name of the extension - specifically the .name element - shall be in the form ExtensionDataStandardsWalesPSOM[BusinessName] e.g.

  • ExtensionDataStandardsWalesPSOMHospitalClassification
  • ExtensionDataStandardsWalesPSOMEffectivePeriod

4. Filename

The filename of the extension shall be in the form Extension-DataStandardsWales-PSOM-[BusinessName] e.g.

  • Extension-DataStandardsWales-PSOM-HospitalClassification
  • Extension-DataStandardsWales-PSOM-EffectivePeriod

Terminology Resources

The following naming conventions apply to FHIR CodeSystem, ConceptMap and ValueSet resources defined in this guide.

1. Logical ID

The logical id of the terminology resource shall be in the form DataStandardsWales-PSOM-[BusinessName] e.g.

  • DataStandardsWales-PSOM-Ethnicity,
  • DataStandardsWales-PSOM-MaritalStatus

2. URL

The url of the resource shall be in the form [BaseURL]/[ResourceType]/DataStandardsWales-PSOM-[BusinessName] e.g.

  • https://fhir.nhs.wales/CodeSystem/DataStandardsWales-PSOM-Ethnicity
  • https://fhir.nhs.wales/ValueSet/DataStandardsWales-PSOM-GenderIdentity
  • https://fhir.nhs.wales/ConceptMap/DataStandardsWales-PSOM-AdministrativeGender

3. Name

The name of the resource - specifically the .name element - shall be in the form DataStandardsWalesPSOM[BusinessName] e.g.

  • DataStandardsWalesPSOMEthnicity
  • DataStandardsWalesPSOMMaritalStatus

This is necessary to create unique names of FHIR shorthand instances, which are referenced in Questionnaires.

4. Filename

The filename of the resource shall be in the form [ResourceType]-DataStandardsWales-PSOM-[BusinessName] e.g.

  • CodeSystem-DataStandardsWales-PSOM-Ethnicity
  • ConceptMap-DataStandardsWales-PSOM-AdministrativeGender

DSCN Questionnaires

The following naming conventions apply to the DSCN FHIR Questionnaires. Please note that the Questionnaires are defined in a separate DSCN project on Simplifier.

1. Logical ID

The logical id of the DSCN Questionnaire shall be in the form DataStandardsWales-PSOM-[ToolShortForm] e.g.

  • DataStandardsWales-PSOM-EQ5D5L
  • DataStandardsWales-PSOM-IBDControl
  • DataStandardsWales-PSOM-AboutYou
  • DataStandardsWales-PSOM-EORTCQLQC13

2. URL

The url of the Questionnaire shall be in the form [BaseURL]/Questionnaire/DataStandardsWales-PSOM-[ToolShortForm] e.g.

  • https://fhir.nhs.wales/Questionnaire/DataStandardsWales-PSOM-EQ5D5L
  • https://fhir.nhs.wales/Questionnaire/DataStandardsWales-PSOM-AboutYou

3. Name

The name of the Questionnaire - specifically the .name element - shall be in the form DataStandardsWalesPSOM[ToolShortForm] e.g.

  • DataStandardsWalesPSOMEQ5D5L
  • DataStandardsWalesPSOMAboutYou

4. Filename

The filename of the Questionnaire shall be in the form Questionnaire-DataStandardsWales-PSOM-[ToolShortForm] e.g.

  • Questionnaire-DataStandardsWales-PSOM-EQ5D5L
  • Questionnaire-DataStandardsWales-PSOM-AboutYou

Filenames are automatically generated with FHIR Shorthand.

DSCN Questionnaire Terminology

The following naming conventions apply to FHIR CodeSystem and ValueSet resources used within PSOM DSCN Questionnaires.

For DSCN Questionnaires, a CodeSystem and a ValueSet is created for each question. The PascalCased version of the corresponding 'list_name' value in the XLSForm can be used as the [BusinessName].

1. Logical ID

The logical id of the terminology resource shall be in the form [ToolShortForm]-[BusinessName][ResourceTypeAbbreviation] e.g.

  • AboutYou-ArthritisCS
  • MSKHQ-ConditionTreatmentCS
  • MyPOS-MobilityVS

2. URL

The url of the resource shall be in the form [BaseURL]/[ResourceType]/[ToolShortForm]-[BusinessName][ResourceTypeAbbreviation] e.g.

  • https://fhir.nhs.wales/CodeSystem/AboutYou-ArthritisCS
  • https://fhir.nhs.wales/CodeSystem/MSKHQ-ConditionTreatmentCS
  • https://fhir.nhs.wales/ValueSet/MyPOS-MobilityVS

3. Name

The name of the resource - specifically the .name element - shall be in the form [ToolShortForm][BusinessName][ResourceTypeAbbreviation] e.g.

  • AboutYouArthritisCS
  • MSKHQConditionTreatmentCS
  • MyPOSMobilityVS

4. Filename

The filename of the resource shall be in the form [ResourceType]-[ToolShortForm]-[BusinessName][ResourceTypeAbbreviation] e.g.

  • CodeSystem-AboutYou-ArthritisCS
  • ValueSet-MyPOS-MobilityVS

LPDS Questionnaires

The following naming conventions apply to the LPDS FHIR Questionnaires defined in this guide. Please note that the Questionnaires are defined in a separate LPDS project on Simplifier.

1. Logical ID

The logical id of the LPDS Questionnaire shall be in the form [HealthBoardAbbreviation]-PSOM-[ToolShortForm] e.g.


2. URL

The url of the LPDS Questionnaire shall be in the form [BaseURL]/Questionnaire/[HealthBoardAbbreviation]-PSOM-[ToolShortForm] e.g.

  • https://fhir.cavuhb.nhs.wales/Questionnaire/CAV-PSOM-CORE10
  • https://fhir.cavuhb.nhs.wales/Questionnaire/CAV-PSOM-LYMPREM

3. Name

The name of the LPDS Questionnaire - specifically the .name element - shall be in the form [HealthBoardAbbreviation]PSOM[ToolShortForm] e.g.


4. Filename

The filename of the LPDS Questionnaire shall be in the form Questionnaire-[HealthBoardAbbreviation]-PSOM-[ToolShortForm] e.g.

  • Questionnaire-CAV-PSOM-CORE10
  • Questionnaire-CAV-PSOM-LYMPREM

Filenames are automatically generated with FHIR Shorthand.

LPDS Questionnaire Terminology

The following naming conventions apply to FHIR CodeSystem and ValueSet resources used within PSOM LPDS Questionnaires.

For LPDS Questionnaires, a CodeSystem and a ValueSet are created for each question. The PascalCased version of the corresponding 'list_name' value in the XLSForm can be used as the [BusinessName].

1. Logical ID

The logical id of the terminology resource shall be in the form [ToolShortForm]-[BusinessName][ResourceTypeAbbreviation] e.g.

  • CORE10-FrequencyScaleInvertedCS
  • GINET21-AbdominalVS

2. URL

The url of the resource shall be in the form [BaseURL]/[ResourceType]/[ToolShortForm]-[BusinessName][ResourceTypeAbbreviation] e.g.

  • https://fhir.cavuhb.nhs.wales/CodeSystem/CORE10-FrequencyScaleInvertedCS
  • https://fhir.cavuhb.nhs.wales/ValueSet/GINET21-AbdominalVS

3. Name

The name - specifically the .name element - shall be in the form [ToolShortForm][BusinessName][ResourceTypeAbbreviation] e.g.

  • CORE10FrequencyScaleInvertedCS
  • GINET21AbdominalVS

4. Filename

The filename of the resource shall be in the form [ResourceType]-[ToolShortForm]-[BusinessName][ResourceTypeAbbreviation] e.g.

  • CodeSystem-CORE10-FrequencyScaleInvertedCS
  • ValueSet-GINET21-AbdominalVS