Work in progress.
This section of the Implementation Guide is subject to change.

CodeSystems and ValueSets

This is the list of ValueSets and CodeSystems defined for use within the EE Base.

Valuset Name Status Bound in Profile/Extension Description
EEBaseActEncounterCode draft Profile EEBaseEncounter This value set includes concepts representing classification of patient encounter.
Composed of CodeSystem
EEBaseActPriority draft Profile EEBaseEncounter This value set describes a code or set of codes (e.g., for routine, emergency,) specifying the urgency under which the Act happened, can happen, is happening, is intended to happen, or is requested/demanded to happen.
Composed of CodeSystem
EEBaseArrivalMode draft Profile EEBaseEncounter This value set specifies how the patient was brought to the healthcare facility.
Composed of CodeSystem
EEBaseEpisodeOfCareType draft Profile EEBaseEpisodeOfCare
Composed of CodeSystem EEBaseEpisodeOfCareType
EEBaseOrganizationType draft Profile EEBaseOrganization
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This value set defines the set of codes that can be used to indicate the type of top-level of organization.
Composed of CodeSystem EEBaseOrganizationType
EEBasePatientRelationshipType draft Profile EEBaseRelatedPerson
Composed of CodeSystem
Composed of CodeSystem
Composed of CodeSystem
EEBasePracticeSpecialty draft Profile EEBaseHealthcareService
Composed of CodeSystem EEBasePracticeSpecialty
EEBasePractitionerRole draft Profile EEBasePractitionerRole
Composed of CodeSystem
EEBaseQualification draft Profile EEBasePractitioner
Composed of CodeSystem
EEBaseReasonCancelled draft Profile EEBaseEncounter
Composed of CodeSystem EEBaseReasonCancelled
EEBaseServiceCategory draft Profile EEBaseHealthcareService
Composed of CodeSystem EEBaseServiceCategory
EEBaseServiceSystem draft Profile EEBaseHealthcareService
Composed of CodeSystem EEBaseServiceSystem
EEBaseServiceType draft Profile EEBaseHealthcareService
Composed of CodeSystem EEBaseServiceType