
FHIR-VER-01: Versioning of Profiles and Resources
  • Nationally defined FHIR profiles will be versioned during development using Git, following the standard GitFlow model. The versioning for published artefacts will broadly follow semantic versioning standards. The major and minor versions will be visible, and the patch version MAY also be exposed. Version numbers held in profiles and resource instanced MUST therefore be in one of the following forms:
    MAJOR – e.g. 1
    MAJOR.MINOR – e.g. 1.0
    MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH – e.g. 1.0.2
  • The version number MUST NOT be included in the profile name.
  • The version number MUST be used as the profile version attribute.
Example of a version number in Estonian base Organization profile

  <StructureDefinition xmlns="">
    <url value=""/>
    <name value="EEBaseOrganization"/>
    <version value="1.0.0"/>

    "resourceType": "StructureDefinition",
    "id": "EEBase-Organization",
    "url": "",
    "version": "1.0.0"