
FHIR-PUB-01 Official repository
FHIR-PUB-02 Availability of source code
  • All FHIR resources relating to national systems and other nationally defined FHIR API profiles (including StructureDefinitions, ValueSets, OperationDefinitions, ImplementationGuides and others) MUST be held on a publicly available GitHub repository which MAY be synchronised with a Simplifier project.
FHIR-PUB-03 Development of standard
  • Comments, feedback and suggestions from developers on FHIR resources (and associated documentation) SHOULD be managed through Simplifier using the standard features for raising and tracking issues on the Simplifier ee-base project.
FHIR-PUB-04 Pattern for URI-s
  • All FHIR resource URIs must be resolvable URLs.
    • All FHIR resources relating to national systems and other nationally defined FHIR API profiles (including StructureDefinitions, ValueSets, OperationDefinitions, ImplementationGuides and others) MUST have a URI that is a resolvable URL. Usually, this will be the URL of the resource on the FHIR API reference server (
FHIR-PUB-05 Packaging
  • All FHIR resources MUST be made publicly available as FHIR Implementation Guide and released as a FHIR package.