Element: maxDosePer
Dosing maxDosePerPeriod
, maxDosePerAdministration
and 'maxDosePerLifetime' instructions
An example would be a Sumatriptan 6mg injection which can be repeated after an hour but not again over a 24 hour period. The maxDosePerPeriod
is defined as 12mg/24hours.
The maxDosePerPeriod
is defined for each dosage instruction. For a multi-sequence instruction it would therefore be possible to define different maximum dosing periods within different sequences of the complete instruction.
Maximum dose per period of 12mg/24 hour
<maxDosePerPeriod> <numerator> <value value="12"/> <unit value="milligram"/> <system value="http://unitsofmeasure.org"/> <code value="mg"/> </numerator> <denominator> <value value="24"/> <unit value="hour"/> <system value="http://unitsofmeasure.org"/> <code value="h"/> </denominator> </maxDosePerPeriod>
An example would be Anagrelide for which a single dose should not exceed 2.5 mg. The maxDosePerAdministration
is defined as 2.5mg.
In many scenarios it is expected that the dosage.doseRange
would be used instead of maxDosePerAdministration
The maxDosePerAdministration
is defined for each dosage instruction. For a multi-sequence instruction it would therefore be possible to define different maximum dose administrations within different sequences of the complete instruction.
Maximum dose per administration of 2.5mg
<maxDosePerAdministration> <value value="2.5"/> <unit value="milligram"/> <system value="http://unitsofmeasure.org"/> <code value="mg"/> </maxDosePerAdministration>
An example would be Daunorubicin which may have a maximum cumulative dose of 600mg/m2 (based on the size of the patient). The maxDosePerLifetime
is defined as 600 mg/m2.
The maxDosePerLifetime
can be defined for each dosage instruction; which, for a multi-sequence instruction is illogical, as any maxDosePerLifetime
is equally applicable to all dosage sequence that relate to the single medication coded concept.
statement is required with a multi-sequence instruction, it is recommended to define it within the last / final sequence to ensure that the information is presented at the end of a the complete instruction, rather than th middle which could be overlooked.
Maximum dose over lifetime of the patient of 600 mg/m2
<maxDosePerLifetime> <value value="600"/> <unit value="milligram per square metre"/> <system value="http://unitsofmeasure.org"/> <code value="mg/m2"/> </maxDosePerLifetime>