Profiles & Operations > Operation: Submit SERIS OR Case Bundle

OR Case Introduction & Overview

The SERIS OR Case captures an operating room encounter where a patient is expected to receive one or more surgical procedures at different points of business flow; when case is scheduled, performed, or cancelled. Changes to the OR Case shall be relayed in near real-time upon modifications in the source system.

An OR Case is a container for information about an operating room encounter where a patient is expected to receive one or more surgical procedure(s). The OH-SERIS product collects data from two types of OR Cases. The type primarily relies on when the procedure was scheduled.

  • Elective Case: Elective case are non-urgent medical procedures and surgeries that can wait for the day that surgery is scheduled. Those procedures are planned in advance and are not essential to the survival of the patient.

  • Add-On Case: Unplanned OR cases that are added to the OR on the day of surgery.


  • Cancelled in Room: A case is considered an in-room cancellation if the patient has entered the OR and the OR is now considered contaminated and requires turnover.

  • Cases entered in Error: Identifies an OR case that was entered in error.

  • Same Day Cancellation: The Cancellation Date is the same day or after the Scheduled Surgery Date and the case was scheduled one or more days prior to the Scheduled Surgery Date. This type of cancellation is applicable to elective cases only.

  • Cancelled in Advance: OR cases that have been cancelled prior to the Scheduled Procedure Date.

A Rescheduled Case is a Cancelled OR Case that has been rescheduled. Two events are required to reschedule an elective OR Case. The original scheduled OR case must be cancelled first. A new OR case is scheduled with the new scheduled surgery date (the new date can be sooner or later than the originally scheduled date).

OR Case Operations

The Submit SERIS Message operation allows for the submission of all SERIS OR Case Bundles.

High level Requirements

Requirement No. Description
1 Ability for facilities to submit elective surgery case information when a surgery is Booked.
2 Ability for facilities to submit updates to elective surgery case Information when a surgery is Performed.
3 Ability for facilities to submit updates to Elective Surgery case information when a surgery is Cancelled.
4 Ability for facilities to submit Add-On Surgery case Information when a Surgery is Performed.
5 Ability for facilities to submit Add-On Surgery case Information when a Surgery is Cancelled.
6 Ability for Facilities to indicate that a case was entered in error.

OR Case Model Diagram



1. OR Case Scheduled

Operation Invocation

POST [base]/Bundle/


  • OperationOutcome

Example Message

HTTP Method:



Content-Type: application/fhir+json



Message body:

Link to submit OR Case Scheduled bundle

2. OR Case Performed

Operation Invocation

POST [base]/Bundle/


  • OperationOutcome

Example Message

HTTP Method:



Content-Type: application/fhir+json



Message body:

Link to submit OR Case Performed bundle

3. OR Case Cancelled

Operation Invocation

POST [base]/Bundle/


  • OperationOutcome

Example Message

HTTP Method:



Content-Type: application/fhir+json



Message body:

Link to submit OR Case Cancelled bundle

Expected Behaviour

See Response Handling page for a complete listing of response codes.

Case Scenario Description HTTP Status Code Response Payload
1 A valid OR Case bundle is submitted, accepted, and published to the repository HTTP 201 (Created) OperationOutcome
2 An update to an existing OR Case is submitted HTTP 200 (OK) OperationOutcome
3 The submitted OR Case Bundle cannot be validated as it does not conform to the specification HTTP 400 (Bad Request) Returns an OperationOutcome resource indicating an issue. The client must fix the request and try again.
4 POST operation contains incorrect header value for "Content-Type" - should be "application/fhir+json" HTTP 422 (Bad Request) Returns an OperationOutcome resource indicating an unprocessable content.
5 OR Case Submit API validates the request but cannot return a valid response due to internal issues. HTTP 500 (Internal Server Error) Returns an OperationOutcome resource indicating an issue.